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  1. OpenShift Dev Console
  2. ODC-7234

Provide option to configure PAC on importing app via import from git flow


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • None
    • None
    • UI
    • None
    • ODC Sprint 230, ODC Sprint 231


      As a user, when importing an application via import from git flow and the git repo has .tekton directory I want to be able to configure PAC for my application.

      Acceptance Criteria

      1. Remove Pipeline-as-Code from the import strategy section
      2. If Pipelines operator is installed and PAC is enabled and .tekton dir is detected in the git repo then show Add Pipelines checkbox checked by default.
      3. Below the checkbox show two radio buttons as Configure PAC (checked by default) and Add pipeline from this cluster(should be same as what we have today). 
      4. If Pipelines operator is installed and either PAC is not enabled or .tekton dir is not detected in the git repo then the UI should look like what we have today.
      5. Show application field in general section as today
      6. Show resources section as today
      7. Show advanced options as today
      8. On create an imagestream, workload(depending on the resource that is selected), buildconfig, repository and other resources (service/route) should be created like we do today
      9. On create the user should navigate to the topology view as today

      Additional Details:

      We also need to show some additional details like workload-name and imageURL if the user opts in to configure PAC. UX is not yet finalised for this. 

      Radio button labels are also not yet finalised.

      Follow up with PM for the above info.

            avik6028 Avik Kundu
            divgupta Divyanshi Gupta
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