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  1. OpenShift Dev Console
  2. ODC-7210

Create Serverless function using the Import from the Git with Builder Images


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • None
    • openshift-4.13
    • UI
    • ODC Sprint 229, ODC Sprint 230, ODC Sprint 231


      As a user, I want to import a Git repository with func.yaml and create a Serverless function

      Acceptance Criteria

      1. Detect func.yaml in Git repo when user enter the Git URL
      2. Read runtime, builder, buildEnvs and run envs value from the func.yaml. func.yaml eg. - https://github.com/vikram-raj/hello-func-node/blob/master/func.yaml
      3. Proceed with this flow if the builder value is s2i
      4. Allow users to view and possibly edit the environment variables which are shown in func.yaml. Add the buildEnvs and run envs to the resource 
      5. if func.yaml is detected change the strategy to Serverless function and do not show builder images in to and  provide a section which allows the user to select the runtime version
      6. Do not show the Pipeline and Resources section. Default to Serverless Deployment
      7. Add label function.knative.dev: 'true' to KSVC to visualize the Serverless function in the Topology

      Additional Details:

      Serverless function doc - https://docs.openshift.com/dedicated/serverless/functions/serverless-functions-yaml.html#serverless-functions-func-yaml-environment-variables_serverless-functions-yaml

      SPIKE doc https://docs.google.com/document/d/1O0lP0UMIMxJT2ja8t78DahuqdWuUHgl0gGvyj5NgIxE/edit?pli=1#


            avik6028 Avik Kundu
            viraj-1 Vikram Raj
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            1 Start watching this issue
