Currently, the Import from Git flow inspects the code repo, and offers the following options:
- Follow the guidance from the devfile which has been located in the provided code repo, allowing the user to change the devfile path if needed
- Follow the guidance from the dockerfile which has been located in the provided code repo, allowing the user to change the dockerfile path if needed
- Use the detected builder image to build the code, allowing the user to change the builder image selection if needed
- When importing your code, users should be able to opt into using a devfile from a devfile registry
- When importing your code, if opting into using a devfile from a devfile registry, users should be able to specify the same deployment options as App Studio
- Import from git should convey (a) we are building/deploying based on the guidance found in YOUR code repo OR (b) we have analyzed our code and think that we can use an existing builder image or devfile to build/deploy your doe.
Why is it important?
- Cross portfolio consistency
Acceptance criteria:
- When using Import from Git, users should be able to opt into using a devfile from the currently configured devfile registry, when possible
- User should see default values, which are defined by the devfile
- User should be able to specify the target port during the import process
- User should be able to specify the CPU during the import process
- User should be able to specify memory during the import process
- User should be able to specify the number of replicas during the import process
Dependencies (External/Internal):
Need to talk to eyuen@redhat.com to determine what the dependencies are in order to implement this.
Design Artifacts:
- clones
ODC-6689 Import from git - consistent implementation for devfiles
- Closed