Resolution: Done
Acceptance Criteria
- Test the plugin locally following the steps mentioned here - https://github.com/spadgett/console-plugin-template#option-1-local
- Test the plugin by deploying(build and push new image to quay and use that) and enabling it on a cluster following the steps mentioned here - https://github.com/spadgett/console-plugin-template#deployment-on-cluster
- Visualise it in woopra(segment) dashboard (get access to test account).
- Make any necessary changes to the plugin to make it work on 4.10.
- Document the steps taken to enable telemetry in each of the points mentioned above which can be shared with OSD team to help them enable telemetry in OSD clusters.
Additional Details:
Plugin - https://github.com/divyanshiGupta/console-telemetry-plugin
- blocks
ODC-6522 Create a new telemetry-plugin with segment and console TelemetryListener
- Closed