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  1. OpenShift Dev Console
  2. ODC-6443

Add an option to add additional labels for just the Route and move the target port before the route checkbox


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • None
    • None
    • UI
    • ODC Sprint 211


      As a user, I want have the option to add additional labels to a Route, as I could do in OCP3. See RFE-622

      The additional labels should only be added to the route, not the service or other components. The advanced option "Labels" should not be touched and these labels are added to all components.

      As an small additional we should also show always the "Target port" since it also defines the Service port and to make this more clear, the "Target port" should be shown before the "Create a route to the Application" checkbox.

      Acceptance Criteria

      The following changes should be applied to the Import flow (from Git, from Container, ...) and to the Edit page as well:

      1. Move the option "Target port" before the checkbox "Create a route to the Application" and do not hide the "Target port" when the checkbox is disabled
      2. Add a new "Additional route labels" option, with a label input field to the "Advanced Routing options"
      3. Save (Import) and update (Edit) the labels to the Route resource. When editing a Deployment with a Route the route labels should not show the shared labels.

      Additional Details:

        1. current-labels-1.png
          97 kB
          Christoph Jerolimov
        2. current-labels-2.png
          95 kB
          Christoph Jerolimov
        3. current-labels-3.png
          115 kB
          Christoph Jerolimov
        4. route-labels.png
          111 kB
          Christoph Jerolimov

            cjerolim Christoph Jerolimov
            cjerolim Christoph Jerolimov
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