Resolution: Done
Not Supported
ODC Sprint 212
Description of problem:
When the user tries to import a Devfile from sample (or another one) and the Devfile could not be cached the submit button is enabled anyway.
After submitting the user receives this internal error:
Cannot convert undefined or null to object
As part of this bugfix we should also check if this form works with private repositories.
Prerequisites (if any, like setup, operators/versions):
Steps to Reproduce
- A way that you exceed rate limit (or block network traffic to github.com)
- Open developer console, add page, Import from Devfile
- Click Try sample (auto fills URL with https://github.com/redhat-developer/devfile-sample at the moment)
- Enter a component name (General > Name), this enables the Create button at the moment
- Press "Create"
Actual results:
Form shows an internal error:
Cannot convert undefined or null to object
Expected results:
See different options here:
- Create button should not be enabled until the internal Devfile data are fetched
- The reason that the form could not be submitted must be shown somewhere. Maybe below the "Rate limit exeeded" warning?
- Or the warning should be shown as error and explain that that the Devfile need to be fetched to create the kubernetes resource
- Or automatically refetch the Devfile when the user presses "Create" to check it again. A retry button was another alternative.
Reproducibility (Always/Intermittent/Only Once):
Always when rate limit exeeded.
But this rate limiting is hard to reproduce, but happen a lot of times in our e2e tests on CI server.
Build Details:
Additional info:
- relates to
ODC-6247 create-from-devfile.feature breaks when GitHub rate limited exeeded
- Closed