Resolution: Done
As a user, I want check my Shipwright Build and see all related BuildRuns in a second tab.
Acceptance Criteria
1. Create Shipwright Build detail page which shows multiple tabs:
- Detail tab with custom right hand side column (see below)
- "Build Runs" with related resources filtered by label
- NO Environment tab in the first version
- Events tab only if events could be easily filtered by a label
2. Show infos about the build (see https://shipwright.io/docs/api/build/) on the right hand side:
- No "Type", no Status
- "Strategy" as resource link (spec.strategy) to BuildStrategy or ClusterBuildStrategy
- "Git repository" (spec.source.url)
- "Context dir" (spec.source.contextDir) if defined
- "Dockerfile" (spec.dockerfile) if defined
- "Builder image" (spec.builder.image, a docker.io image name for example)
- "Credentials" as Secret resource link (spec.source.credentials)
- "Output to" (spec.output.image, an URL)
- If image URL links to the internal registry, link the ImageStream
- If not, show the URL as string
- "Credentials" as Secret resource link (spec.output.credentials)