Resolution: Done
RHDP-324 - Integrating managed cloud services into developer experience
Not Supported
ODC Sprint 205, ODC Sprint 206
As a user, I want to know what services are available to bind to. These services will be presented to the user in various UIs such as topology.
Acceptance Criteria
- it should display all external services which are bindable in topology
- it should allow service binding connector to be used to connect from a workload to the service in topology
Additional Details:
- work with app services team to identify the CRD group version kind and spec
- for each bindable resource kind identified, fetch the resources and contribute to topology
- only show external services as trapezoids for now
- Topology extensions currently require the `modelFactory` to be a function which returns k8s resource types to watch for. Since we first need to fetch this new CR to identify which k8s resources to subsequently fetch, this approach won't be an exact fit. We are moving towards using hooks for our extension functions which allow for async behavior. We could possibly add the same functionality here or otherwise fetch up front. We currently fetch up front the CRDs identified as knative event sources such that we can use them in a similar manner in topology.
- is blocked by
ODC-6123 create component to show bindables resources as trapezoid shape
- Closed
- relates to
APPSVC-501 Define criteria for detecting bindable services
- Closed
- links to