
    • 1
    • False
    • False
    • RHDP-282 - Improve getting started experience: after has access, getting app built/deployed/connected
    • 0
    • Undefined
    • Not Supported
    • ODC Sprint 201


      Need an easy getting started experience for Spring Boot developers.

      We want to move Spring Boot developers to deploy their apps onto OpenShift, since Spring Boot developers make up a very high percentage of our prospective OpenShift users

      Use cases:

      1. As a user, I have a fat jar I want to drag and drop into OpenShift, so that it deploys

      Acceptance criteria:

      1. As a developer, I want to have a CTA available on the Add page which will allow me to Upload my jar file, choose deployment type ( Deployment, Deployment Config or Knative Service ), and optionally specify Advanced options.
      2. As a developer, I want to drag my jar from my desktop to Topology (either graph or list) in OpenShift, to deploy it easily.
        1. When I drop my jar, I should get a form enabling me to deploy my app
      3. This upload form has a number of capabilities
        1. I should be given the opportunity to choose between D/DC/KSVC
        2. I should be given the opportunity to change the runtime label so I can pick my own icon
        3. I should be able to provide a pipeline
        4. I should be given the opportunity to set appropriate Adv Options
      4. As a dev I should able to update adv options of my spring boot D, DC or Knative Service. ( Similar to Edit for Import from Git Edit flow showing the same dialog )
      5. As a dev, I should be able to edit my D/DC/KSVC via _Edit %name% _ CTA to upload a new jar or change Adv Options
      6. As a dev, I should be able to drag & drop a new version of my jar and drop it onto the previously created D/DC/KSVC

            rhn-gamore Gajanan More (Inactive)
            spathak Sanket Pathak
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
