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  1. OpenShift Dev Console
  2. ODC-4419

Add in context from the developer catalog


    • Add in context from the developer catalog
    • To Do
    • 0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
    • S
    • GA


      Today, we are able to add things in context from topology, although we do not have parity with all of the Catalog options.

      Use Case

      1. As a developer, I want to be able to easily import my own code and hook it up to a database with a minimum amount of steps.
      2. As a user, I want to be able to add in context ( from a node in topology ), select an item from the Developer Catalog, and if it's an operator backed service, automatically connect the 2 with a service binding.


      Improve the e2e experience of importing code and hooking it up to a database via a service binding.

      Why is it important?

      In an effort to simplify interactions and automate actions for the developer, this should significantly help in the process of creating services and connecting them together appropriately.

      Exploration Results

      1. GA feature, thus should be properly documented
      2. GA feature, thus need to provide enablement
      3. Include in what's new RHD blog and consider for improved usability blog
      4. We currently have a right click action Add to Project which offers: From Git, Container Image, From Catalog, From Dockerfile & Database ... consider adding all of the supported +Add offerings
      5. We currently have a gesture from dragging & dropping the blue arrow associated with a D/DC which offers: From Git, Container Image & From Dockerfile. This menu should include additional items such as Operator Backed & Helm Chart
      6. When an operator backed service is added in context, the service binding should be created automatically

      Acceptance Criteria

      When in topology graph view

      1. I want to add to my project without navigating to the +Add page
      2. I want to add to my project via right click. This should support the following +Add offerings
        1. Samples, From Git, Container Image, From Dockerfile, From Catalog, Database, Operator Backed, Helm Chart, Event Source, Channel
        2. Items which are operator enabled should only be added when "enabled"
        3. Current menu
      3. I want to add an operator backed service to an existing component in my app ( in context)
        1. When dropping the connector and seeing + , I should see Operator Backed as a menu item
        2. When I add an operator backed service, a service binding connection should be created
        3. Current menu

      Note: This epic does NOT cover supporting this in the Topology list view

      Design Artifacts


      Slack Channel



            Unassigned Unassigned
            sdoyle@redhat.com Serena Nichols
            jaivardhan Kumar jaivardhan Kumar
            Gajanan More Gajanan More (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
