Resolution: Done
Console: Internationalization - Dev - Phase 1
To Do
OCPPLAN-8043 - Console: Internationalization
OCPPLAN-8043Console: Internationalization
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
Internationalization has become table stakes. OpenShift Console needs to support different languages in each of the major markets. This is key functionality that will help unlock sales in different regions.
This epic focuses on the Dev Perspective deliverables aligned with Phase 1 of Console Internationalization. CONSOLE-2324 covers the Phase 1 plan.
- Externalize all hard coded strings in the developer perspective client code including all OpenShift static
Acceptance Criteria
- Identify inventory of hard coded strings in developer perspective and associated areas which will be externalized (this should be shared with Admin team so that teams don't do duplicate work)
- UX may want to provide updates to externalized strings to address capitalization consistency or other needs
Slack Channel
#tmp-i18n on CoreOS Slack instance
- is blocked by
CONSOLE-2325 Console: Internationalization - Admin
- Closed
- mentioned in
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