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    • OCPSTRAT-847Support (or not) for OpenShift at on AWS Outposts
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      Feature Overview (aka. Goal Summary)  

      Support AWS Wavelength Zones as a target infrastructure where to deploy OpenShift compute nodes.

      Goals (aka. expected user outcomes)

      As a user, I want to deploy OpenShift compute nodes on AWS Wavelength Zones at install time so I can leverage this infrastructure to deploy edge computing applications.

      As a user, I want to extend an existing OpenShift cluster on AWS deploying compute nodes on AWS Wavelength Zones so I can leverage this infrastructure to deploy edge computing applications.

      Requirements (aka. Acceptance Criteria):

      The Installer will be able to deploy OpenShift on the public region into an existing VPC with compute nodes on AWS Wavelength Zones into an existing subnet.

      The Installer will be able to deploy OpenShift on the public region with compute nodes on AWS Wavelength Zones automating the VPC creation in the public region and the subnet creation in the AWS Wavelength Zone

      An existing OpenShift cluster on AWS public region can be extended by adding additional compute nodes (that can be automatically scaled) into AWS Wavelength Zones.

      Use Cases (Optional):

      Build media and entertainment applications.

      Accelerate ML inference at the edge.

      Develop connected vehicle applications.


      There is an extended demand for running specific workloads on edge locations on cloud providers. We have added support for AWS Outposts and AWS Local Zones. AWS Wavelength Zones is a demanded target infrastructure that customers are asking for including ROSA customers.

      Documentation Considerations

      Usual documentation will be required to instruct the user on how to use this feature

              mak.redhat.com Marcos Entenza Garcia
              mak.redhat.com Marcos Entenza Garcia
              Marco Braga, Patrick Dillon, Rafael Fonseca dos Santos, Richard Vanderpool, Zane Bitter
              Marco Braga Marco Braga
              Jianwei Hou Jianwei Hou
              Stephanie Stout Stephanie Stout
              Marco Braga Marco Braga
              Marcos Entenza Garcia Marcos Entenza Garcia
              Eric Rich Eric Rich
              0 Vote for this issue
              7 Start watching this issue
