Resolution: Done
Strategic Product Work
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
Feature Overview
3-node "compact cluster" support in the Nutanix platform.
As an administrator, I should be able to install a 3-node cluster (no workers) on the Nutanix platform via the IPI or UPI installation paths, and have a fully conformant OpenShift cluster (all features enabled).
OpenShift is intended to run in a wide variety of environments. Over the years we have refined and reduced the default required footprint - first by removing the hard requirement for infrastructure nodes in 4.1, and second by preparing for 3-node clusters in 4.2 with the introduction of the masterSchedulable flag. OpenShift should continue to take steps to reduce the default footprint and incentivize improvements that allow it to work with smaller 3-node and eventually one node clusters.
Three-node compact cluster is already supported on baremetal, AWS, vSphere, Azure and GCP and platform-agnostic installations, and we need to expand coverage to all other supported platforms.
The goal here is to ensure we have CI for this configuration, and identify any bugs/defects for flakes or faliure related to having a 3-node compact cluster on the public cloud, and open bugs so they can be actioned on.