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  1. OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) Strategy
  2. OCPSTRAT-48

OpenShift installation performs precheck for known risks


    • Icon: Feature Feature
    • Resolution: Won't Do
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • False
    • Hide


    • False
    • OCPSTRAT-10Install and update OpenShift on Infrastructure Providers
    • 0

      Epic Goal

      • As a Red Hat OpenShift service, we need to warn customers installing OpenShift when there are known risks.
      • As an Infrastructure Administrator installing OpenShift, if there’s a possibility that the installation has known risks, I want to be forewarned of any potential risks.

      Why is this important?

      • We want to prevent customers from having a bad OpenShift onboarding experience whenever possible.
      • In rare circumstances, new OpenShift installations may be adversely affected due to regressions or other issues that arise until a fix is delivered.  Whenever possible and when applicable, for upgrades, we’ll create a conditional edge; however, we don’t yet have a way to prevent installs from happening.


      Recently, on ARM64, we’ve run in the ARM64SecCompError524 issue where containers get stuck during creation — see OCPBUGS-2637. We plan to offer conditional updates to remove update recommendations from 4.10 to 4.11 on arm64, so we’ve addressed upgrade scenarios; however, we have no way to prevent installs at the moment (until a fix is delivered).

      Suggested Ideas

      It wouldn't be terribly hard for the installer to phone home and receive a negative installation recommendation from OSUS.  E.g. Just a nudge "This version is no longer recommended for installation, please see https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OCPBUG-1234. Do you wish to install?" w/ a --ignore-install-recommendation flags for headless installation methods where they cannot decide interactively.

      Acceptance Criteria

      • An OpenShift customer will be informed of known risks associated with his/her environment, along with details to the known risks, before cluster provisioning begins.
      • The OpenShift customer has the option to override or ignore the known risks as part of the OpenShift installation workflow.

      Previous Work (Optional):

      Done Checklist

      • CI - CI is running, tests are automated and merged.
      • Release Enablement <link to Feature Enablement Presentation>
      • DEV - Upstream code and tests merged: <link to meaningful PR or GitHub Issue>
      • DEV - Upstream documentation merged: <link to meaningful PR or GitHub Issue>
      • DEV - Downstream build attached to advisory: <link to errata>
      • QE - Test plans in Polarion: <link or reference to Polarion>
      • QE - Automated tests merged: <link or reference to automated tests>
      • DOC - Downstream documentation merged: <link to meaningful PR>

            rh-ee-smodeel Subin M
            julim Ju Lim
            Ju Lim, Lalatendu Mohanty, Marcos Entenza Garcia, Patrick Dillon, Scott Dodson, W. Trevor King
            Scott Dodson Scott Dodson
            0 Vote for this issue
            7 Start watching this issue
