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  1. OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) Strategy
  2. OCPSTRAT-1677

Enabling AWS Spot Instance Support in HyperShift NodePools


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      Feature Overview (aka. Goal Summary)

      The goal of this feature is to expose the "SpotMarketOptions" configuration option within HyperShift NodePools. This capability allows users to leverage AWS Spot Instances for cost optimization, similar to what is currently supported in ROSA (Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS) through MAPI (Machine API). By introducing this feature, users will have more flexibility in managing their cloud infrastructure costs while maintaining the necessary performance levels.

      Goals (aka. expected user outcomes)

      • Functionality: Users will be able to configure NodePools to use AWS Spot Instances, enabling cost savings while running non-critical workloads.
      • Expansion of Existing Features: This extends the current nodepool configuration capabilities in HyperShift to include cost-effective, non-guaranteed instance options already available in other OpenShift offerings.

      Deployment considerations

      • Self-managed, managed, or both: Both.
      • Classic (standalone cluster): No.
      • Hosted control planes: Yes
      • Connected / Restricted Network: Applicable; must support both environments.
      • Architectures: x86_x64, ARM (aarch64)

      Use Cases (Optional):

      1. As a cluster service consume, I configure HyperShift NodePools to use Spot Instances, leading to reduction in cloud costs for non-critical workloads.
      2. When Spot Instances become unavailable, and the system seamlessly falls back to On-Demand Instances without affecting workloads.

      Questions to Answer (Optional):

      • How will we handle the transition between Spot and On-Demand Instances during peak demand periods?

      Customer Considerations

      • Ensure customers understand the trade-offs of using Spot Instances, such as potential instance termination during periods of high demand.
      • Provide clear guidance on best practices for workload placement on Spot vs. On-Demand Instances.

      Documentation Considerations

      • Update existing ROSA and HCP documentation to include steps for configuring SpotMarketOptions.
      • Include examples of YAML configurations and command-line setups for easier adoption.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            azaalouk Adel Zaalouk
            Matthew Werner Matthew Werner
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
