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  1. OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) Strategy
  2. OCPSTRAT-1599

Increase OpenShift compatibility with GitOps


    • Icon: Outcome Outcome
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • None
    • Core, Documentation, Layered
    • None
    • 100% To Do, 0% In Progress, 0% Done

      Outcome Overview

      OpenShift core and layered products become more compatible with GitOps workflows and customer can manage and configure all aspects of the products using Argo CD and other GitOps tools. 

      GitOps is a workflow that leverages Git repositories as the source of truth for defining and managing infrastructure and application configurations. GitOps has rapidly become the workflow of choice for managing Kubernetes infrastructure and applications due the operational efficiency, predictability and visibility that it provides in hybrid multi-cluster infrastructure. As a result, adoption of GitOps is on the rise both at customers and also within Red Hat managed services teams. 

      OpenShift is declarative in nature, due to its operator-based design and use of custom resources for configuring the behaviour of the platform. However, customers face challenges with certain areas of the core product and layered products when adopting GitOps workflows due to three main reasons:

      • Imperative workflows in docs and lack of declarative examples
      • Missing specific usage patterns or health checks for Red Hat products
      • Incompatibility of an API with GitOps workflows

      Success Criteria

      Configurations and operations of OpenShift core and layered products can be performed through GitOps workflows using Argo CD and other GitOps tools.


      Expected Results (what, how, when)

      • Decrease in number of RFEs and support cases related to configuring products through GitOps
      • Improve user-experience for GitOps workflows through Argo CD awareness of health-checks for Red Hat products
      • Increase in adoption of OpenShift and layered products due to compatibility with customers established GitOps workflows
      • Reduced number of custom tooling and workarounds used by customers for configuring OpenShift and layered products through Argo CD

      Post Completion Review – Actual Results


            Unassigned Unassigned
            rh-ee-ssadeghi Siamak Sadeghianfar
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