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  1. OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) Strategy
  2. OCPSTRAT-1423

Allow Unsupported haproxy-config.template Customizations


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    • this is a significant new capability; I think TE would be helpful
    • Red Hat OpenShift Networking

      Feature Overview (aka. Goal Summary)  

      Allow customers to customize HAProxy with options available in upstream HAPRoxy – but unsupported (without a Support Exception) in OpenShift's current implementation of HAProxy – as they require using the haproxy-config.template, without the router Operator overriding those customizations.

      Goals (aka. expected user outcomes)

      Today, customers can run a custom, unsupported router deployment using a custom HAProxy image and a custom, unsupported config template (haproxy-config).

      Customers would like the ability to test or run upstream HAProxy configuration options – ones not supported by OpenShift's current implementation of HAProxy – on their clusters without having to run a custom HAproxy image and configuration. This would give them immediate access to HAProxy features that might take one or more releases of OpenShift before its supported in the product, and assumes that the customer has already completed full end-to-end testing of the option(s) in their own deployment environment, with success.

      This customization capability would enable customers to add otherwise unsupported options into their current haproxy-config.template – and not have those options overidden by the Operator – one or more release ahead of OpenShift being able to provide in-product support. OpenShift will not support those options, and if the customer has an issue, they must remove the customizations and provide evidence that the issue persists using a default implementation.

      Requirements (aka. Acceptance Criteria):

      Anyone reviewing this Feature needs to know which deployment configurations that the Feature will apply to (or not) once it's been completed.  Describe specific needs (or indicate N/A) for each of the following deployment scenarios. For specific configurations that are out-of-scope for a given release, ensure you provide the OCPSTRAT (for the future to be supported configuration) as well.

      Deployment considerations List applicable specific needs (N/A = not applicable)
      Self-managed, managed, or both  
      Classic (standalone cluster)  
      Hosted control planes  
      Multi node, Compact (three node), or Single node (SNO), or all  
      Connected / Restricted Network  
      Architectures, e.g. x86_x64, ARM (aarch64), IBM Power (ppc64le), and IBM Z (s390x)  
      Operator compatibility  
      Backport needed (list applicable versions)  
      UI need (e.g. OpenShift Console, dynamic plugin, OCM)  
      Other (please specify)  

      Use Cases (Optional):

      As an OpenShift network administrator, I require the ability to, and am voluntarily willing to assume liability for, the addition of unsupported custom HAProxy configuration options either in advance of OpenShift's planned ability to provide support in-product, or because OpenShift does not have a roadmap plan to support required options.

      Questions to Answer (Optional):

      • Out of Scope



      • In OpenShift 3, we documented a procedure for customizing the haproxy.config template, but also stated that we would not support the customizations, and if customers ran into problems, we would expect them to reproduce those problems using the standard template, or else we wouldn't provide support.

      Customer Considerations

      Documentation Considerations

      Interoperability Considerations

            mcurry@redhat.com Marc Curry
            mcurry@redhat.com Marc Curry
            Hongan Li Hongan Li
            Ashley Hardin Ashley Hardin
            Ben Bennett Ben Bennett
            Miciah Masters Miciah Masters
            Marc Curry Marc Curry
            Chris Fields Chris Fields
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
