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      Goal: Operator Framework has a new upstream web property operatorhub.io which makes documentation much more accessible to end users via https://olm.operatorframework.io/docs/.  Goal is to have the base/primary use cases covered and to make additional external documentation submissions easier by the community.

      Benefit hypothesis: This will increase the overall understanding of existing and new OLM and operator functionality by end users, operator authors, and cluster admins.

      Why is this important: The feature and capability set of OLM has historically been confusing for stakeholders to understand.  While some functionality is complex and requires a deeper understanding of concepts, there are others that are misunderstood and functionality that is misused.  Improved documentation will help alleviate current concerns about migrating operators to be managed by OLM.

      Acceptance criteria:

      • Documentation site is organized around top level topics and sub-domains
      • Must common use cases have starting documentation pages
      • Template for new documentation is delivered
      • Process for linking between topics, sub-domains, and the associated OSDK documentation pages is defined and posted.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            DanielMesser Daniel Messer
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