Resolution: Test Pending
Market Problem
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
Market Problem
It can take substantial amount of time and investment for many customers to validate and certify their applications on OpenShift. To capitalize on this effort, customer have a desire to stay on a single minor release stream for as long as they can. For customers that need an extended amount of time to stay on a given OpenShift minor release, we offer EUS.
Why it Matters
- Once support runs out on a given EUS release, customers need to move the next EUS release with minimal disruption to their applications.
Illustrative User Stories or Scenarios
- As a OpenShift administrator, I would like a solution that allows me to upgrade from one EUS version to another with very few steps and only minimum disruption to application workloads while still allowing new application services to be deployed.
Expected Outcomes
Customers can move from EUS to EUS with little to no disruptions of their production applications.
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