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  1. OpenShift Top Level Product Strategy
  2. OCPPLAN-6007

OpenShift Core Networking Improvements


    • False
    • False
    • Not Set
    • No
    • Not Set
    • Not Set
    • Not Set
    • 7% To Do, 1% In Progress, 92% Done
    • Undefined

      Feature Overview

      We drive OpenShift cross-market customer success and new customer adoption with constant improvements and feature additions to the existing capabilities of our OpenShift Core Networking (SDN and Network Edge). This feature captures that natural progression of the product.


      • Feature enhancements (performance, scale, configuration, UX, ...)
      • Modernization (incorporation and productization of new technologies)


      • Core Networking Stability
      • Core Networking Performance and Scale
      • Core Neworking Extensibility (Multus CNIs)
      • Core Networking UX (Observability)
      • Core Networking Security and Compliance

      In Scope

      • Network Edge (ingress, DNS, LB)
      • SDN (CNI plugins, openshift-sdn, OVN, network policy, egressIP, egress Router, ...)
      • Networking Observability

      Out of Scope

      There are definitely grey areas, but in general:

      • CNV
      • Service Mesh
      • CNF

      Documentation Considerations

      Questions to be addressed:

      • What educational or reference material (docs) is required to support this product feature? For users/admins? Other functions (security officers, etc)?
      • Does this feature have doc impact?
      • New Content, Updates to existing content, Release Note, or No Doc Impact
      • If unsure and no Technical Writer is available, please contact Content Strategy.
      • What concepts do customers need to understand to be successful in [action]?
      • How do we expect customers will use the feature? For what purpose(s)?
      • What reference material might a customer want/need to complete [action]?
      • Is there source material that can be used as reference for the Technical Writer in writing the content? If yes, please link if available.
      • What is the doc impact (New Content, Updates to existing content, or Release Note)?

            Unassigned Unassigned
            mcurry@redhat.com Marc Curry
            Chris Fields
            Mike Fiedler Mike Fiedler
            Chris Fields Chris Fields
            1 Vote for this issue
            13 Start watching this issue
