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  1. OpenShift Node
  2. OCPNODE-1330

Set cgroups v1 version explicitly using MCO


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    • Resolution: Done
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    • 5
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • OCPSTRAT-141 - GA Cgroups v2 as non-default in OCP 4.13 w/ RHCOS 9
    • OCPNODE Sprint 228 (Blue), OCPNODE Sprint 229 (Blue), OCPNODE Sprint 230 (Blue)

      From OCP - 4.13, the RCOS nodes by default come up with the "CGroupsV2" configuration

      Command to verify on any OCP cluster node

      stat -c %T -f /sys/fs/cgroup/

      So, to avoid unexpected complications, if the `cgroupMode` is found to be empty in the `nodes.config` resource, `CGroupsv1` configuration needs to be explicitly set using the `machine-config-operator`

            svanka@redhat.com Sai Ramesh Vanka
            harpatil@redhat.com Harshal Patil
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
