Resolution: Done
BU Product Work
OCPSTRAT-683 - Migrate MAPI to Cluster API for AWS (TP) - Phase 1
CLOUD Sprint 262, CLOUD Sprint 263, CLOUD Sprint 264, CLOUD Sprint 262, CLOUD Sprint 265, CLOUD Sprint 266, CLOUD Sprint 267, CLOUD Sprint 268
User Story
As a user I want to be able to add labels/taints/annotations to my machines, and have them propagate to the nodes. This will allow me to use the labels for other tasks e.g selectors.
Currently, MAPI supports propagating labels from machines to nodes, but CAPI does not. When we move to CAPI we will lose this feature.
_See https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OCPBUGS-37236_
Relevant upstream issues:
- Understand why the discrepancy exists
- Determine how much work it would be for the NodeLink controller to copy the labels
- Chat with upstream to see if the idea of unrestricted label propagation through some mechansim is palletable.
- Come back to the group and decide a course of action.
- Our users, who currently have this feature.
Definition of Done
- Code is implemented upstream to sync labels from a Machine to a Node
- Our manifests include the "--additional-sync-machine-labels=.*" argument. The generated manifests are at https://github.com/openshift/cluster-api/blob/master/openshift/manifests/0000_30_cluster-api_04_cm.core-cluster-api.yaml#L481
- is cloned by
OCPCLOUD-2861 [Core] CAPI should support machine to node taint propagation
- In Progress
OCPCLOUD-2860 [Core] CAPI should support machine to node annotations propagation
- Closed
- is duplicated by
OCPBUGS-36252 [capi vsphere] taints not getting applied
- Closed
- links to