Resolution: Done
User Story
As a cluster admin, I want the CCM and Node manager to utilize credentials generated by CCO so that the permissions granted to the identity can be scoped with least privilege on clusters utilizing Azure AD Workload Identity.
The Cloud Controller Manager Operator creates a CredentialsRequest as part of CVO manifests which describes credentials that should be created for the CCM and Node manager to utilize. CCM and the Node Manager do not use the credentials created as a product of the CredentialsRequest in existing "passthrough" based Azure clusters or within Azure AD Workload Identity based Azure clusters. CCM and the Node Manager instead use a system-assigned identity which is attached to the Azure cluster VMs.
The system-assigned identity attached to the VMs is granted the "Contributor" role within the cluster's Azure resource group. In order to use the system-assigned identity, a pod must have sufficient privilege to use the host network to contact the Azure instance metadata service (IMDS).
For Azure AD Workload Identity based clusters, administrators must process the CredentialsRequests extracted from the release image which includes the CredentialsRequest from CCCMO manifests. This CredentialsRequest processing results in the creation of a user-assigned managed identity which is not utilized by the cluster. Additionally, the permissions granted to the identity are currently scoped broadly to grant the "Contributor" role within the cluster's Azure resource group. If the CCM and Node Manager were to utilize the identity then we could scope the permissions granted to the identity to be more granular. It may be confusing to administrators to need to create this unused user-assigned managed identity with broad permissions access.
- Modify CCM and Node manager deployments to use the CCCMO's Azure credentials injector as an init-container to merge the provided CCO credentials secret with the /etc/kube/cloud.conf file used to configure cloud-provider-azure as used within CCM and the Node Manager. An example of the init-container can be found within the azure-file-csi-driver-operator.
- Validate that the provided credentials are used by CCM and the Node Manager and that they continue to operate normally.
- Scope permissions specified in the CCCMO CredentialsRequest to only those permissions needed for operation rather than "Contributor" within the Azure resource group.
- <Who is interested in this/where did they request this>
Definition of Done
- CCM and Node Manager use credentials provided by CCO rather than the system-assigned identity attached to the VMs.
- Docs
- <Add docs requirements for this card>
- Testing
- e2e tests validate that the CCM and Node manager operate normally with the credentials provided by CCO.
- is depended on by
CCO-291 Update Azure credential request manifests of the OpenShift components to use new API field for requesting permissions
- Closed
OCPCLOUD-2013 Update Azure Credentials Request manifest of the Cloud Controller Manager Operator to use new API field for requesting permissions
- Closed
- links to