Resolution: Obsolete
OCPSTRAT-265 - Support Windows Containers on GCP
User Story
As a user I want the Azure machine actuator to recognize Windows instances during creation so that they can get the proper user data needed for booting.
Although the Azure actuator currently works as expected with respect to Windows instances, there are changes that are coming to the WMCO that we need to be ready for. Currently, the user data secret is used by the WMCO to create a secret that contains a boot script for Windows instances. The script must be wrapped by a set of tags (`<powershell>` and `</powershell>`) to be properly processed. The WMCO adds these tags to the script that is contained in the user data secret, but this behavior will change in the future.
To ensure continued operation in the future, the Azure actuator needs to detect when a Windows machine is being created and then ensure that the user data secret has the proper wrapping tags.
the secret generation can be found here, https://github.com/openshift/windows-machine-config-operator/blob/master/pkg/secrets/secrets.go#L40
of note is the addition of `<persist>true</persist>` at the end of the script. the WMCO is investigating if this is needed, but our changes will need to accomodate that.
- add code to detect a Windows machine being created
- use the MAO helper functions to add the tags to the script from the secret
- cloud infra team
- winc team
Definition of Done
- Windows machine can be created on Azure without issue
- Docs
- No changes should be required for the product docs, this should continue to work as expected for users.
- Testing
- Unit tests added for the new machine creation detection logic
- is related to
WINC-849 Remove `<persist>` tag from `windows-user-data` secret
- Closed