Resolution: Done
BU Product Work
OCPSTRAT-265 - Support Windows Containers on GCP
CLOUD Sprint 220, CLOUD Sprint 221, CLOUD Sprint 222, CLOUD Sprint 223
User Story
As a user I want the GCP machine actuator to recognize Windows instances during creation so that they can get the proper user data needed for booting.
When creating Windows instances on GCP, a special user data entry is needed so that the instance will properly boot and become a node.
As referenced in the parent epic, there is a special powershell or batch script which must be inserted into the sysprep-specialize-script-ps1 key of the metadata. In practice, this involves creating the key/value pair for sysprep-specialize-script-ps1 in the metadata field of the provider spec for GCP. Note that this is not the object metadata and is instead the serialized gcpMetadata, see https://github.com/openshift/api/blob/master/machine/v1beta1/types_gcpprovider.go#L56
- add some detection code to the machine actuator for windows machines
- when windows is detected, add the sysprep-specialize-script-ps1 metadata key with the value being a script that is read from a user-defined configmap
- cloud team
- winc team
Definition of Done
- add detection code and replacement logic
- Docs
- there should be a gcp windows machineset docs page that will need to be updated with how this mechanism works
- Testing
- unit tests should be added to ensure proper records
- integration testing should be done as part of the larger winc on gcp story