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  1. OpenShift Cloud
  2. OCPCLOUD-1115

Apply user defined tags in AWS - EC2


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • openshift-4.8
    • None
    • None
    • CLOUD Sprint 199, CLOUD Sprint 200, CLOUD Sprint 201

      We have a requirement for users to be able to define a set of tags that should be applied to all resources created by the cluster.

      This information is going to be placed in the infrastructure platformStatus.

      We need to copy these tags onto EC2 instances as we create/update the Machine resources.

      The Infrastructure tag list should be considered authoritative and any outside changes to a tag that it defines should be stomped by the Machine controller. Exceptions to this are the two tags (Name and cluster id) that the Machine controller relies on today.


      • AWS actuator reads the tags from the infrastructure resource
      • AWS actuator applies the tags on create and update to every EC2 instance
      • E2E test verifies that if the Infra resource has additionally defined tags, then the behaviour defined above is observed

            ademicev@redhat.com Alexandr Demicev (Inactive)
            joelspeed Joel Speed
            Zhaohua Sun Zhaohua Sun
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
