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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-9329

Plugin count numbers in the Cluster Dashboard Dynamic Plugins popover can be incorrect when the console is running in development mode


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      Description of problem: When running in development mode [1], the Loaded enabled plugin count numbers in the Cluster Dashboard Dynamic Plugins popover may be incorrect. In order to make the experience less confusing for users working with the console in development mode, we need to:

      Note there is additional work planned in https://issues.redhat.com/browse/CONSOLE-3185. This bug is intended to only capture improving the experience for development mode.

      [1] https://github.com/openshift/console/blob/master/frontend/packages/console-dynamic-plugin-sdk/README.md#plugin-development

            rhn-engineering-rhamilto Robb Hamilton
            rhn-engineering-rhamilto Robb Hamilton
            YaDan Pei YaDan Pei
            Red Hat Employee
            0 Vote for this issue
            8 Start watching this issue
