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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-9107

Deleting a BFDProfile object does not delete the corresponding running-conf from the MetalLB speakers


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      Cause: BFD can't be disabled when removing a custom profile. The FRR reloader is unsetting the custom profile and falling back to the default built-in profile.

      Consequence: After enabling BFD it can't be disabled.

      Workaround (if any): Deleting the BGPPeers configuration and recreating them without a BFD profile.

      Cause: BFD can't be disabled when removing a custom profile. The FRR reloader is unsetting the custom profile and falling back to the default built-in profile. Consequence: After enabling BFD it can't be disabled. Workaround (if any): Deleting the BGPPeers configuration and recreating them without a BFD profile. Result:
    • Known Issue
    • 3/14: telco review - aligned with OCPBUGSM-40341

      Description of problem:
      After deleting a BFDProfile object the corresponding running-conf from the MetalLB speakers does not get deleted

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
      OCP Version: 4.10.0-fc.2
      Kubernetes Version: v1.23.0+60f5a1c
      MetalLB Version: 4.10.0-202201210948

      How reproducible:

      Steps to Reproduce:
      1. Create a bfdprofile object
      2. Check that the corresponding bfd profile configuration is loaded into the MetalLB speakers
      3. Delete the bfdprofile object:
      $ oc delete bfdprofile bfdprofilefull
      bfdprofile.metallb.io "bfdprofilefull" deleted

      Actual results:
      The corresponding bfd profile is not deleted from the running-config of the speakers:
      $ oc -n metallb-system rsh speaker-9pcl2
      sh-4.4# vtysh
      sh-4.4# sh running-config
      profile bfdprofilefull
      detect-multiplier 37
      transmit-interval 35
      receive-interval 35
      minimum-ttl 10

      Expected results:
      The corresponding bfd profile gets deleted from the running-config of the speakers

      Additional info:

            saledort Sabina Aledort
            jcastillolema Jose Castillo Lema
            Arti Sood Arti Sood
            Red Hat Employee
            0 Vote for this issue
            11 Start watching this issue
