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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-8113

fails to switch to kernel-rt with rhel 9.2


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      This breaks switching to RT kernel and back to default kernel on RHCOS 9 nodes

      This breaks switching to RT kernel and back to default kernel on RHCOS 9 nodes
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      3/9: tracking OCPBUGS-8703 now for 4.13
      3/7: Fix posted; waiting on merge before backporting to 4.13.
      3/9: tracking OCPBUGS-8703 now for 4.13 3/7: Fix posted; waiting on merge before backporting to 4.13.

      This came up a while ago, see https://groups.google.com/u/1/a/redhat.com/g/aos-devel/c/HuOTwtI4a9I/m/nX9mKjeqAAAJ

      Basically this MC:

      apiVersion: machineconfiguration.openshift.io/v1
      kind: MachineConfig
          machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role: worker
        name: worker-override
        kernelType: realtime
        osImageURL: quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-v4.0-art-dev@sha256:b4cc3995d5fc11e3b22140d8f2f91f78834e86a210325cbf0525a62725f8e099 


      Will degrade the node with


      E0301 21:25:09.234001    3306 writer.go:200] Marking Degraded due to: error running rpm-ostree override remove kernel kernel-core kernel-modules kernel-modules-extra --install kernel-rt-core --install kernel-rt-modules --install kernel-rt-modules-extra --install kernel-rt-kvm: error: Could not depsolve transaction; 1 problem detected:
       Problem: package kernel-modules-core-5.14.0-282.el9.x86_64 requires kernel-uname-r = 5.14.0-282.el9.x86_64, but none of the providers can be installed
        - conflicting requests
      : exit status 1


      It's kind of annoying here because the packages to remove are now OS version dependent.  A while ago I filed https://github.com/coreos/rpm-ostree/issues/2542 which would push the problem down into rpm-ostree, which is in a better situation to deal with it, and that may be the fix...but it's also pushing the problem down there in a way that's going to be maintenance pain (but, we can deal with that).


      It's also possible that we may need to explicitly request installation of `kernel-rt-modules-core`...I'll look.

            walters@redhat.com Colin Walters
            walters@redhat.com Colin Walters
            Sergio Regidor de la Rosa Sergio Regidor de la Rosa
            0 Vote for this issue
            11 Start watching this issue
