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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-7546

Default Router PDB Allows 2 Disruptions with 3 Replicas


    • Important
    • No
    • 3
    • Sprint 234, Sprint 235, Sprint 236, Sprint 237, Sprint 238, Sprint 239
    • 6
    • Rejected
    • False
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      Cause: We currently set maxUnavailable as a 50% percentage for replica count < 4, and in the pod disruption budget, Kubernetes rounds up the number of pods that may be disrupted. Therefore, if you have 3 replicas and you set maxUnavailable to "50%", it means 2 replicas may be disrupted. Pod disruption budgets cause problems for people who want to run small clusters or drain all workers at once, but providing high availability prevails for this bug.

      Consequence: When there are only three replicas, this rounds up to allow two disruptions, leaving only a single replica. When possible, it is better to always leave two replicas.

      Fix: We currently set the disruption budget to 25% for replica count >= 4, and this changes it to 25% for replica count >= 3.

      Result: When there are 3 or fewer replicas, 2 replicas remain up and running whenever possible.
      Cause: We currently set maxUnavailable as a 50% percentage for replica count < 4, and in the pod disruption budget, Kubernetes rounds up the number of pods that may be disrupted. Therefore, if you have 3 replicas and you set maxUnavailable to "50%", it means 2 replicas may be disrupted. Pod disruption budgets cause problems for people who want to run small clusters or drain all workers at once, but providing high availability prevails for this bug. Consequence: When there are only three replicas, this rounds up to allow two disruptions, leaving only a single replica. When possible, it is better to always leave two replicas. Fix: We currently set the disruption budget to 25% for replica count >= 4, and this changes it to 25% for replica count >= 3. Result: When there are 3 or fewer replicas, 2 replicas remain up and running whenever possible.
    • Done

      Description of problem:

      maxUnavailable defaults to 50% for anything under 4: https://github.com/openshift/cluster-ingress-operator/blob/master/pkg/operator/controller/ingress/poddisruptionbudget.go#L71
      Based on PDB rounding logic, it always rounds to the next while integer, so 1.5 becomes 2.
        maxUnavailable: 50%
            ingresscontroller.operator.openshift.io/deployment-ingresscontroller: default
        currentHealthy: 3
        desiredHealthy: 1
        disruptionsAllowed: 2
      Where as with 4 router pods, we only allow 1 of 4 to be disrupted at a time. 

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):


      How reproducible:


      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Set 3 replicas
      2. Look at the disruptionsAllowed on the PDB

      Actual results:

      You can take down 2 of 3 routers at once, leaving no HA.

      Expected results:

      With 3+ routers, we should always ensure 2 are up with the PDB.

      Additional info:

      Reduce the maxUnavailable to 25% for >= 3 pods instead of 4

            cholman@redhat.com Candace Holman
            rhn-support-mrobson Matt Robson
            Shudi Li Shudi Li
            0 Vote for this issue
            9 Start watching this issue
