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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-7495

Platform type is ignored


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    • Agent Sprint 232
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      Prior to version 4.12.7, the platform type 'vsphere' was ignored when it was specified in install-config.yaml for agent-based installations. Clusters installed with this configuration would get the platform type 'baremetal' instead.
      This has been fixed, so agent installations use the platform type specified in install-config.yaml.
      Prior to version 4.12.7, the platform type 'vsphere' was ignored when it was specified in install-config.yaml for agent-based installations. Clusters installed with this configuration would get the platform type 'baremetal' instead. This has been fixed, so agent installations use the platform type specified in install-config.yaml.
    • Bug Fix

      Description of problem:

      Clusters created with platform 'vsphere' in the install-config end up as type 'BareMetal' in the infrastructure CR.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):


      How reproducible:


      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Create a cluster through the agent installer with platform: vsphere in the install-config
      2. oc get infrastructure cluster -o jsonpath='{.status.platform}' 

      Actual results:


      Expected results:


      Additional info:

      The platform type is not being case converted ("vsphere" -> "VSphere") when constructing the AgentClusterInstall CR. When read by the assisted-service client, the platform reads as unknown and therefore the platform field is left blank when the Cluster object is created in the assisted API. Presumably that results in the correct default platform for the topology: None for SNO, BareMetal for everything else, but never VSphere. Since the platform VIPs are passed through a non-platform-specific API in assisted, everything worked but the resulting cluster would have the BareMetal platform.

            zabitter Zane Bitter
            zabitter Zane Bitter
            Manoj Hans Manoj Hans
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