Description of problem:
When using the OCI feature, and mixing OCI catalogs with registry catalogs in the ImageSetConfig, the ICSP and CatalogSource manifests are generated in 2 separate results folders (one for each type of catalog).
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Use the following ImageSetConfig (imst3.yaml) kind: ImageSetConfiguration apiVersion: storageConfig: local: path: /tmp/storageBackend # registry: # --skip-cleanup # imageURL: localhost:5000/oc-mirror-metadata3 # skipTLS: true mirror: platform: channels: - name: stable-4.12 type: ocp graph: false operators: #rhop - catalog: oci:///home/skhoury/oci-catalog2 targetName: redhat-operator-index targetTag: "4.12" packages: - name: external-dns-operator minVersion: "1.1.0" maxVersion: "1.1.0" - catalog: packages: - name: foo channels: - name: beta minVersion: "0.3.0" additionalImages: - name: 2. ./bin/oc-mirror -c imst3.yaml docker://localhost:5000/oci-test --dest-skip-tls --dest-use-http --use-oci-feature 2.
Actual results:
ICSP and catalogs scattered in 2 results-xxx folders instead of one
Expected results:
For 1 run, ICSP and catalogs for all operators are under the same results-xxx folder
Additional info:
- depends on
CFE-761 Improve user experience of oc-mirror with the OCI FBC feature
- Closed