Resolution: Won't Do
Release Note Not Required
Description of problem:
While creating a machineset with vmsize "Standard_DC8s_v3" and giving image reference as per below template the machine creation fails with following error. ~~~ image: offer: "" publisher: "" resourceID: /resourceGroups/test-rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/images/test sku: "" version: "" ~~~ The selected VM size 'Standard_DC8s_v3' cannot boot Hypervisor Generation '1'. If this was a Create operation please check that the Hypervisor Generation of the Image matches the Hypervisor Generation of the selected VM Size. If this was an Update operation please select a Hypervisor Generation '1' VM Size Is there a way to use intel SGX feature which comes with gen-2 on OpenShift? Is it possible to create a gen-2 image for IPI based installation?
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create a machineset as given above and it will fail since the image that is created during installation is still referencing to v1. 2. Upgrading the cluster from 4.8 to 4.11, does not help as the image is still gen-1. 3.Creating a new cluster with 4.11 version, the installation program creates the gen-2 vm instances and it creates 2 images for gen-1 and gen-2 in resource group. So a new machineset can be created with gen-2 image.
Actual results:
only gen-1 image can be used for an upgraded cluster from 4.8 to 4.11
Expected results:
Gen-2 images need to be created for an upgraded cluster from 4.8 to 4.11 so that the gen-2 features like Intel SGX can be used.
Additional info: