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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-7186

[gcp][CORS-2424] with "secureBoot" enabled, after deleting control-plane machine, the new machine is created with "enableSecureBoot" being False unexpectedly


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • None
    • 4.13
    • None
    • Critical
    • None
    • Proposed
    • False
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    • Bug Fix
    • Done

      Description of problem:

      With "secureBoot" enabled, after deleting control-plane machine, the new machine is created with "enableSecureBoot" being False unexpectedly.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      $ ./openshift-install version
      ./openshift-install 4.13.0-0.nightly-2023-02-07-064924
      built from commit 34104392aaeaf2fab8bff49baeaf71e61025ad29
      release image registry.ci.openshift.org/ocp/release@sha256:b99727eca2876d821ac8524ca8d6a33dd33d2af226f3cd22e0846eb558d18d4e
      release architecture amd64

      How reproducible:


      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. "create install-config" and then edit "install-config.yaml" to set "secureBoot: Enabled" for both controlPlane and compute
      2. "create cluster" and make sure it succeeds
      3. delete a control-plane machine, and then check if the new control-plane machine is created with "enableSecureBoot" being True 

      Actual results:

      The new control-plane machine is created with "enableSecureBoot" being False.

      Expected results:

      The new control-plane machine should be created with "enableSecureBoot" being True.

      Additional info:

      $ ./openshift-install version
      ./openshift-install 4.13.0-0.nightly-2023-02-07-064924
      built from commit 34104392aaeaf2fab8bff49baeaf71e61025ad29
      release image registry.ci.openshift.org/ocp/release@sha256:b99727eca2876d821ac8524ca8d6a33dd33d2af226f3cd22e0846eb558d18d4e
      release architecture amd64
      $ yq-3.3.0 r test1/install-config.yaml compute
      - architecture: amd64
        hyperthreading: Enabled
        name: worker
            secureBoot: Enabled
            - jiwei-0208a-compute
        replicas: 2
      $ yq-3.3.0 r test1/install-config.yaml controlPlane
      architecture: amd64
      hyperthreading: Enabled
      name: master
          secureBoot: Enabled
          - jiwei-0208a-control-plane
      replicas: 3
      $ yq-3.3.0 r test1/install-config.yaml platform
        projectID: openshift-qe
        region: us-central1
      $ ./openshift-install create cluster --dir test1
      INFO Credentials loaded from file "/home/fedora/.gcp/osServiceAccount.json"
      INFO Consuming Install Config from target directory
      INFO Creating infrastructure resources...
      INFO Waiting up to 20m0s (until 11:10AM) for the Kubernetes API at https://api.jiwei-0208a.qe.gcp.devcluster.openshift.com:6443...
      INFO API v1.26.0+9eb81c2 up
      INFO Waiting up to 30m0s (until 11:21AM) for bootstrapping to complete...
      INFO Destroying the bootstrap resources...
      INFO Waiting up to 40m0s (until 11:45AM) for the cluster at https://api.jiwei-0208a.qe.gcp.devcluster.openshift.com:6443 to initialize... 
      INFO Checking to see if there is a route at openshift-console/console... 
      INFO Install complete!                            
      INFO To access the cluster as the system:admin user when using 'oc', run 'export KUBECONFIG=/home/fedora/ocp413/test1/auth/kubeconfig' 
      INFO Access the OpenShift web-console here: https://console-openshift-console.apps.jiwei-0208a.qe.gcp.devcluster.openshift.com 
      INFO Login to the console with user: "kubeadmin", and password: "bXeCA-Eo8RF-VA9tW-VQCTE" 
      INFO Time elapsed: 28m57s                         
      $ export KUBECONFIG=/home/fedora/ocp413/test1/auth/kubeconfig
      $ ./oc get clusterversion
      NAME      VERSION                              AVAILABLE   PROGRESSING   SINCE   STATUS
      version   4.13.0-0.nightly-2023-02-07-064924   True        False         12m     Cluster version is 4.13.0-0.nightly-2023-02-07-064924
      $ ./oc get nodes
      NAME                                                       STATUS   ROLES                  AGE   VERSION
      jiwei-0208a-cfgzb-master-0.c.openshift-qe.internal         Ready    control-plane,master   32m   v1.26.0+9eb81c2
      jiwei-0208a-cfgzb-master-1.c.openshift-qe.internal         Ready    control-plane,master   32m   v1.26.0+9eb81c2
      jiwei-0208a-cfgzb-master-2.c.openshift-qe.internal         Ready    control-plane,master   32m   v1.26.0+9eb81c2
      jiwei-0208a-cfgzb-worker-a-nr2vt.c.openshift-qe.internal   Ready    worker                 22m   v1.26.0+9eb81c2
      jiwei-0208a-cfgzb-worker-b-rr7cs.c.openshift-qe.internal   Ready    worker                 22m   v1.26.0+9eb81c2
      $ gcloud compute instances list --format="table(name,zone,machineType,status,shieldedInstanceConfig)" --filter="name~jiwei"
      NAME                              ZONE           MACHINE_TYPE   STATUS   SHIELDED_INSTANCE_CONFIG
      jiwei-0208a-cfgzb-master-0        us-central1-a  n2-standard-4  RUNNING  {'enableSecureBoot': True, 'enableVtpm': True, 'enableIntegrityMonitoring': True}
      jiwei-0208a-cfgzb-worker-a-nr2vt  us-central1-a  n2-standard-4  RUNNING  {'enableSecureBoot': True, 'enableVtpm': True, 'enableIntegrityMonitoring': True}
      jiwei-0208a-cfgzb-master-1        us-central1-b  n2-standard-4  RUNNING  {'enableSecureBoot': True, 'enableVtpm': True, 'enableIntegrityMonitoring': True}
      jiwei-0208a-cfgzb-worker-b-rr7cs  us-central1-b  n2-standard-4  RUNNING  {'enableSecureBoot': True, 'enableVtpm': True, 'enableIntegrityMonitoring': True}
      jiwei-0208a-cfgzb-master-2        us-central1-c  n2-standard-4  RUNNING  {'enableSecureBoot': True, 'enableVtpm': True, 'enableIntegrityMonitoring': True}
      $ ./oc get machines -n openshift-machine-api
      NAME                               PHASE     TYPE            REGION        ZONE            AGE
      jiwei-0208a-cfgzb-master-0         Running   n2-standard-4   us-central1   us-central1-a   41m
      jiwei-0208a-cfgzb-master-1         Running   n2-standard-4   us-central1   us-central1-b   41m
      jiwei-0208a-cfgzb-master-2         Running   n2-standard-4   us-central1   us-central1-c   41m
      jiwei-0208a-cfgzb-worker-a-nr2vt   Running   n2-standard-4   us-central1   us-central1-a   34m
      jiwei-0208a-cfgzb-worker-b-rr7cs   Running   n2-standard-4   us-central1   us-central1-b   34m
      $ ./oc get controlplanemachinesets -n openshift-machine-api
      cluster   3         3         3       3                       Active   41m
      $ ./oc delete machines jiwei-0208a-cfgzb-master-0 -n openshift-machine-api
      machine.machine.openshift.io "jiwei-0208a-cfgzb-master-0" deleted
      $ ./oc get machines -n openshift-machine-api
      NAME                               PHASE     TYPE            REGION        ZONE            AGE
      jiwei-0208a-cfgzb-master-1         Running   n2-standard-4   us-central1   us-central1-b   50m
      jiwei-0208a-cfgzb-master-2         Running   n2-standard-4   us-central1   us-central1-c   50m
      jiwei-0208a-cfgzb-master-qggjg-0   Running   n2-standard-4   us-central1   us-central1-a   8m12s
      jiwei-0208a-cfgzb-worker-a-nr2vt   Running   n2-standard-4   us-central1   us-central1-a   43m
      jiwei-0208a-cfgzb-worker-b-rr7cs   Running   n2-standard-4   us-central1   us-central1-b   43m
      $ gcloud compute instances list --format="table(name,zone,machineType,status,shieldedInstanceConfig)" --filter="name~jiwei"
      NAME                              ZONE           MACHINE_TYPE   STATUS   SHIELDED_INSTANCE_CONFIG
      jiwei-0208a-cfgzb-master-qggjg-0  us-central1-a  n2-standard-4  RUNNING  {'enableSecureBoot': False, 'enableVtpm': True, 'enableIntegrityMonitoring': True}
      jiwei-0208a-cfgzb-worker-a-nr2vt  us-central1-a  n2-standard-4  RUNNING  {'enableSecureBoot': True, 'enableVtpm': True, 'enableIntegrityMonitoring': True}
      jiwei-0208a-cfgzb-master-1        us-central1-b  n2-standard-4  RUNNING  {'enableSecureBoot': True, 'enableVtpm': True, 'enableIntegrityMonitoring': True}
      jiwei-0208a-cfgzb-worker-b-rr7cs  us-central1-b  n2-standard-4  RUNNING  {'enableSecureBoot': True, 'enableVtpm': True, 'enableIntegrityMonitoring': True}
      jiwei-0208a-cfgzb-master-2        us-central1-c  n2-standard-4  RUNNING  {'enableSecureBoot': True, 'enableVtpm': True, 'enableIntegrityMonitoring': True}
      1. After worker machineset scaleup or deleting a worker machine, the new worker machine does be created with "enableSecureBoot" being True.
      2. As for controlplanemachinesets, see https://issues.redhat.com/browse/CORS-1988.





            ercohen Eran Cohen
            rhn-support-jiwei Jianli Wei
            Milind Yadav Milind Yadav
            Jeana Routh Jeana Routh
            0 Vote for this issue
            8 Start watching this issue
