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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-6759

New master couldn't be created when update cpms on ASH


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      Previously, clusters on Azure Stack Hub could not create new control plane nodes unless the nodes had custom disk sizes because the default disk size could not be validated. With this update, the default disk size has been set to 128 GB and the installation program enforces user-specified disk size values between 128 and 1023 GB. (link:https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OCPBUGS-6759[*OCPBUGS-6759*])
      Previously, clusters on Azure Stack Hub could not create new control plane nodes unless the nodes had custom disk sizes because the default disk size could not be validated. With this update, the default disk size has been set to 128 GB and the installation program enforces user-specified disk size values between 128 and 1023 GB. (link: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OCPBUGS-6759 [* OCPBUGS-6759 *])
    • Bug Fix
    • Done

      Description of problem:

      Update cpms vmSize on ASH, got error "The value 1024 of parameter 'osDisk.diskSizeGB' is out of range. The value must be between '1' and '1023', inclusive." Target="osDisk.diskSizeGB"when provisioning new control plane node, change diskSizeGB to 1023, new nodes are provisioned. But for fresh install, the default diskSizeGB is 1024 for master.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):


      How reproducible:


      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Update cpms vmSize to Standard_DS3_v2
      2. Check new machine state
      $ oc get machine  
      NAME                                PHASE     TYPE              REGION   ZONE   AGE
      jima28b-r9zht-master-h7g67-1        Running   Standard_DS5_v2   mtcazs          11h
      jima28b-r9zht-master-hhfzl-0        Failed                                      24s
      jima28b-r9zht-master-qtb9j-0        Running   Standard_DS5_v2   mtcazs          11h
      jima28b-r9zht-master-tprc7-2        Running   Standard_DS5_v2   mtcazs          11h
      $ oc get machine jima28b-r9zht-master-hhfzl-0 -o yaml
        errorMessage: 'failed to reconcile machine "jima28b-r9zht-master-hhfzl-0": failed
          to create vm jima28b-r9zht-master-hhfzl-0: failure sending request for machine
          jima28b-r9zht-master-hhfzl-0: cannot create vm: compute.VirtualMachinesClient#CreateOrUpdate:
          Failure sending request: StatusCode=400 -- Original Error: Code="InvalidParameter"
          Message="The value 1024 of parameter ''osDisk.diskSizeGB'' is out of range. The
          value must be between ''1'' and ''1023'', inclusive." Target="osDisk.diskSizeGB"'
        errorReason: InvalidConfiguration
        lastUpdated: "2023-01-29T02:35:13Z"
        phase: Failed
          - lastTransitionTime: "2023-01-29T02:35:13Z"
            message: 'failed to create vm jima28b-r9zht-master-hhfzl-0: failure sending
              request for machine jima28b-r9zht-master-hhfzl-0: cannot create vm: compute.VirtualMachinesClient#CreateOrUpdate:
              Failure sending request: StatusCode=400 -- Original Error: Code="InvalidParameter"
              Message="The value 1024 of parameter ''osDisk.diskSizeGB'' is out of range.
              The value must be between ''1'' and ''1023'', inclusive." Target="osDisk.diskSizeGB"'
            reason: MachineCreationFailed
            status: "False"
            type: MachineCreated
          metadata: {}
      3. Checke logs
      $ oc logs -f machine-api-controllers-84444d49f-mlldl -c machine-controller
      I0129 02:35:15.047784       1 recorder.go:103] events "msg"="InvalidConfiguration: failed to reconcile machine \"jima28b-r9zht-master-hhfzl-0\": failed to create vm jima28b-r9zht-master-hhfzl-0: failure sending request for machine jima28b-r9zht-master-hhfzl-0: cannot create vm: compute.VirtualMachinesClient#CreateOrUpdate: Failure sending request: StatusCode=400 -- Original Error: Code=\"InvalidParameter\" Message=\"The value 1024 of parameter 'osDisk.diskSizeGB' is out of range. The value must be between '1' and '1023', inclusive.\" Target=\"osDisk.diskSizeGB\"" "object"={"kind":"Machine","namespace":"openshift-machine-api","name":"jima28b-r9zht-master-hhfzl-0","uid":"6cb07114-41a6-40bc-8e83-d9f27931bc8c","apiVersion":"machine.openshift.io/v1beta1","resourceVersion":"451889"} "reason"="FailedCreate" "type"="Warning"
       $ oc logs -f control-plane-machine-set-operator-69b756df4f-skv4x E0129 02:35:13.282358       1 controller.go:818]  "msg"="Observed failed replacement control plane machines" "error"="found replacement control plane machines in an error state, the following machines(s) are currently reporting an error: jima28b-r9zht-master-hhfzl-0" "controller"="controlplanemachineset" "failedReplacements"="jima28b-r9zht-master-hhfzl-0" "name"="cluster" "namespace"="openshift-machine-api" "reconcileID"="a988d699-8ddc-4880-9930-0db64ca51653" I0129 02:35:13.282380       1 controller.go:264]  "msg"="Cluster state is degraded. The control plane machine set will not take any action until issues have been resolved." "controller"="controlplanemachineset" "name"="cluster" "namespace"="openshift-machine-api" "reconcileID"="a988d699-8ddc-4880-9930-0db64ca51653" 
      4. Change diskSizeGB to 1023, new machine Provisioned.
                    diskSettings: {}
                    diskSizeGB: 1023
      $ oc get machine                  
      NAME                                PHASE      TYPE              REGION   ZONE   AGE
      jima28b-r9zht-master-h7g67-1        Running    Standard_DS5_v2   mtcazs          11h
      jima28b-r9zht-master-hhfzl-0        Deleting                                     7m1s
      jima28b-r9zht-master-qtb9j-0        Running    Standard_DS5_v2   mtcazs          12h
      jima28b-r9zht-master-tprc7-2        Running    Standard_DS5_v2   mtcazs          11h
      jima28b-r9zht-worker-mtcazs-p8d79   Running    Standard_DS3_v2   mtcazs          18h
      jima28b-r9zht-worker-mtcazs-x5gvh   Running    Standard_DS3_v2   mtcazs          18h
      jima28b-r9zht-worker-mtcazs-xmdvw   Running    Standard_DS3_v2   mtcazs          18h
      $ oc get machine        
      NAME                                PHASE         TYPE              REGION   ZONE   AGE
      jima28b-r9zht-master-h7g67-1        Running       Standard_DS5_v2   mtcazs          11h
      jima28b-r9zht-master-qtb9j-0        Running       Standard_DS5_v2   mtcazs          12h
      jima28b-r9zht-master-tprc7-2        Running       Standard_DS5_v2   mtcazs          11h
      jima28b-r9zht-master-vqd7r-0        Provisioned   Standard_DS3_v2   mtcazs          16s
      jima28b-r9zht-worker-mtcazs-p8d79   Running       Standard_DS3_v2   mtcazs          18h
      jima28b-r9zht-worker-mtcazs-x5gvh   Running       Standard_DS3_v2   mtcazs          18h
      jima28b-r9zht-worker-mtcazs-xmdvw   Running       Standard_DS3_v2   mtcazs          18h

      Actual results:

      For fresh install, the default diskSizeGB is 1024 for master. But update cpms vmSize, new master was created failed, report error "The value 1024 of parameter ''osDisk.diskSizeGB'' is out of range.  The value must be between ''1'' and ''1023'', inclusive"
      When changing diskSizeGB to 1023, new machine got Provisioned. 

      Expected results:

      New master could be created when change vmtype, and don't need update diskSizeGB to 1023.

      Additional info:

      Minimum recommendation for control plane nodes is 1024 GB

            rna-afk Aditya Narayanaswamy
            rhn-support-zhsun Zhaohua Sun
            Jinyun Ma Jinyun Ma
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