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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-588

minVersion in ImageSetConfiguration seems to be ignored as older images are also pulled


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    • CFE Sprint 233, CFE Sprint 234, CFE Sprint 235
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      This fix addresses the minVersion (in the ImageSetConfig) that is not filtered properly, i.e it filters on minVersion lower than that set in the ImageSetConfig field.
      The fix ensures that the minVersion is respected and that only versions equal or greater than the set minVersion are included
      This fix addresses the minVersion (in the ImageSetConfig) that is not filtered properly, i.e it filters on minVersion lower than that set in the ImageSetConfig field. The fix ensures that the minVersion is respected and that only versions equal or greater than the set minVersion are included

      Description of problem:
      Older images are pulled even when using minVersion in ImageSetConfiguration.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
      oc mirror version
      Client Version: version.Info

      {Major:"", Minor:"", GitVersion:"4.11.0-202208031306.p0.g3c1c80c.assembly.stream-3c1c80c", GitCommit:"3c1c80ca6a5a22b5826c88897e7a9e5acd7c1a96", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2022-08-03T14:23:35Z", GoVersion:"go1.18.4", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}

      How reproducible:

      Steps to Reproduce:
      1. get attached ImageSetConfiguration
      2. run 'oc mirror --config=./image-set.yaml docker://<yourRegistry> --continue-on-error'

      Actual results:
      Output contains a lot of 'unable to retrieve source image' errors for images which are older than defined in minVersion (those images are known to be missing, a goal was to use minVersion to filter out those older images to get rid of those errors but it's not working)

      Expected results:
      Those older images should not be included

      Additional info:
      image-set.yaml is attached
      Full output of 'oc mirror' attached
      There are more images failing but as an example:

      error: unable to retrieve source image registry.redhat.io/openshift-service-mesh/pilot-rhel8 manifest sha256:f7c468b5a35bfce54e53b4d8d00438f33a0861549697d14445eae52d8ead9a68: for image pulls. Use the equivalent V2 schema 2 manifest digest instead. For more information see https://access.redhat.com/articles/6138332

      This image is from version 1.0.11 but minVersion: '2.2.1-0' so it should not be included.
      Here is how I checked that image:

      podman inspect registry-proxy.engineering.redhat.com/rh-osbs/openshift-service-mesh-pilot-rhel8@sha256:f7c468b5a35bfce54e53b4d8d00438f33a0861549697d14445eae52d8ead9a68 | grep version
                      "istio_version": "1.1.17",
                      "version": "1.0.11"
                  "istio_version": "1.1.17",
                  "version": "1.0.11"

        1. image-set.yaml
          0.8 kB
        2. mirror-log.txt
          229 kB

              luzuccar@redhat.com Luigi Mario Zuccarelli
              fbrychta@redhat.com Filip Brychta
              Ying Zhou Ying Zhou
              0 Vote for this issue
              14 Start watching this issue
