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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-5301

BMER app is not started after creating kubernetes secret with BMC info


    • Critical
    • None
    • Proposed
    • False
    • Hide



      Description of problem:

      After creating a kubernetes secret successfully, the application deployment does not start as expected.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      ocp 4.12 rc6
      Latest BMER

      How reproducible:

      Run cnf-gotests with $ export FEATURES="bmer"
      This initially fails due to the test not finding the custom resource, but after skipping this test, you find the deployment problem.

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. load the BMC environment variables: BMC_HOSTS, BMC_USER,BMC_PASSWORD,RAN_HW_EVENT_CONSUMER_IMAGE
      2. clone cnf-gotest to the hub cluster: registry.hlxcl11.lab.eng.tlv2.redhat.com
      3. comment out the custom resource check
      diff --git a/test/ran/bmer/bmer_suite_test.go b/test/ran/bmer/bmer_suite_test.go                                                                    
      index 903bb4d6..3118c06c 100644
      --- a/test/ran/bmer/bmer_suite_test.go
      +++ b/test/ran/bmer/bmer_suite_test.go
      @@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ func TestBmer(t *testing.T) { var _ = BeforeSuite(func() {
              // Openshift related pre-test checks
      -       err = ranbmerhelper.CheckCustomResourceDefinition()
      -       if err != nil {
      -               Skip(fmt.Sprintf("Got this error when query feature custom resource definition: %v , skip testing", err))                           
      -       }
      +       _ = ranbmerhelper.CheckCustomResourceDefinition()
      +       // if err != nil {
      +       //      Skip(fmt.Sprintf("Got this error when query feature custom resource definition: %v , skip testing", err))                           
      +       //}        // Redfish related pre-test checks
              By("Verify redfish hostname is defined")

      3. Run the test:

       cnf-gotests]$ FEATURES="bmer" ./hack/run-tests.sh features

      Actual results:

      Test times-out, waiting for app deployment to finish.

      Expected results:

      Test finished well

      Additional info:

      After test prints "Created secret: redfish-basic-auth", I run get secret and see the secret is created successfully. I then query the deployment, and see no deployment started in the namespace.q

      Test log:




            jacding@redhat.com Jack Ding
            rhn-support-nwaizer Niv Gal Waizer (Inactive)
            Niv Gal Waizer Niv Gal Waizer (Inactive)
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