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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-5159

Running a newer openshift-install in the same directory where a previous openshift-install generated an image fails


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      There is currently a known issue when you run the Agent-based {product-title} Installer to generate an ISO from a directory where the previous release was used for ISO generation. An error message is displayed with the release version not matching. As a workaround, create and use a new directory. (link:https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OCPBUGS-5159[*OCPBUGS#5159*])
      There is currently a known issue when you run the Agent-based {product-title} Installer to generate an ISO from a directory where the previous release was used for ISO generation. An error message is displayed with the release version not matching. As a workaround, create and use a new directory. (link: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OCPBUGS-5159 [*OCPBUGS#5159*])
    • Known Issue
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      Description of problem:

      I was using an earlier 4.12 release candidate and generating an image in my ~/manifests/ocpbugs-2968 directory. Then, wanting to confirm an issue did not happen in a newer 4.12 release candidate (rc6)

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):


      How reproducible:


      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Take an earlier release candidate, make install-config.yaml and agent-config.yaml
      2. Save a copy of the manifests and run openshift-install agent create image
      2. Without clearing the current working directory, use the copy of the manifests to have again the same install-config and agent-config
      3. Rung openshift-install agent create image

      Actual results:

      [celebdor@toni ocpbugs-2968]$ ./openshift-install agent create image
      WARNING Capabilities: %!!(MISSING)s(*types.Capabilities=<nil>) is ignored 
      ERROR failed to write asset (Agent Installer ISO) to disk: cannot generate ISO image due to configuration errors 
      FATAL failed to fetch Agent Installer ISO: failed to fetch dependency of "Agent Installer ISO": failed to fetch dependency of "Agent Installer Ignition": failed to fetch dependency of "Agent Manifests": failed to generate asset "ClusterImageSet Config": invalid ClusterImageSet configuration: Spec.ReleaseImage: Forbidden: value must be equal to quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:9d35e900821980023f2ba4f76822006c40ebed1532dacfb82bb6e3cffa0a91c2 

      Expected results:

      [celebdor@toni ocpbugs-2968]$ ./openshift-install agent create image
      WARNING Capabilities: %!!(MISSING)s(*types.Capabilities=<nil>) is ignored 
      INFO The rendezvous host IP (node0 IP) is 
      INFO Extracting base ISO from release payload     
      INFO Verifying cached file                        
      INFO Using cached Base ISO /home/celebdor/.cache/agent/image_cache/coreos-x86_64.iso 
      INFO Consuming Install Config from target directory 
      INFO Consuming Agent Config from target directory 
      [celebdor@toni ocpbugs-2968]${code}
      Additional info:
      The issue is that the ClusterImageSet asset does not depend on anything, so the previously generated one in .openshift_install_state.json is kept. It points to a different release image and that fails the validation that prevents users from trying to generate an image with a non-matching binary.

            bfournie@redhat.com Robert Fournier
            asegurap1@redhat.com Antoni Segura Puimedon
            zhenying niu zhenying niu
            Amrita Sakthivel Amrita Sakthivel (Inactive)
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