Resolution: Done
Description of problem:
4.12 tech-preview jobs are suffering:
$ w3m -dump -cols 200 'https://search.ci.openshift.org/?search=event+happened.*no+matches+for+kind.*InsightsDataGather&maxAge=48h&type=junit' | grep 'failures match' | sort periodic-ci-openshift-release-master-ci-4.12-e2e-aws-sdn-techpreview (all) - 10 runs, 100% failed, 100% of failures match = 100% impact periodic-ci-openshift-release-master-ci-4.12-e2e-aws-sdn-techpreview-serial (all) - 10 runs, 100% failed, 90% of failures match = 90% impact periodic-ci-openshift-release-master-ci-4.12-e2e-azure-sdn-techpreview (all) - 10 runs, 100% failed, 100% of failures match = 100% impact periodic-ci-openshift-release-master-ci-4.12-e2e-azure-sdn-techpreview-serial (all) - 10 runs, 100% failed, 90% of failures match = 90% impact periodic-ci-openshift-release-master-ci-4.12-e2e-gcp-sdn-techpreview (all) - 10 runs, 100% failed, 100% of failures match = 100% impact periodic-ci-openshift-release-master-ci-4.12-e2e-gcp-sdn-techpreview-serial (all) - 10 runs, 100% failed, 100% of failures match = 100% impact
with runs like this failing:
: [sig-arch] events should not repeat pathologically expand_less 0s { 1 events happened too frequently event happened 138 times, something is wrong: ns/default namespace/default - reason/Unable to find REST mapping for %s/%s: %w InsightsDataGather.config.openshift.io%!(EXTRA string=v1, *meta.NoKindMatchError=no matches for kind "InsightsDataGather" in version "config.openshift.io/v1")}
based on events like:
$ curl -s https://gcsweb-ci.apps.ci.l2s4.p1.openshiftapps.com/gcs/origin-ci-test/logs/periodic-ci-openshift-release-master-ci-4.12-e2e-aws-sdn-techpreview/1597393851226525696/artifacts/e2e-aws-sdn-techpreview/gather-extra/artifacts/events.json | jq -r '.items[] | select(.metadata.namespace == "default" and (.message | contains("InsightsDataGather")))' { "apiVersion": "v1", "count": 145, "eventTime": null, "firstTimestamp": "2022-11-29T01:32:16Z", "involvedObject": { "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "Namespace", "name": "default", "namespace": "default" }, "kind": "Event", "lastTimestamp": "2022-11-29T02:19:36Z", "message": "InsightsDataGather.config.openshift.io%!(EXTRA string=v1, *meta.NoKindMatchError=no matches for kind \"InsightsDataGather\" in version \"config.openshift.io/v1\")", "metadata": { "creationTimestamp": "2022-11-29T01:32:16Z", "name": "default.172bea26177786ae", "namespace": "default", "resourceVersion": "237357", "uid": "187cf3a0-cf4b-4cd1-ae72-51b5d77b7e73" }, "reason": "Unable to find REST mapping for %s/%s: %w", "reportingComponent": "", "reportingInstance": "", "source": { "component": "run-resourcewatch-config-observer-controller-configobservercontroller" }, "type": "Warning" }
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
4.12 tech-preview jobs are impacted.
How reproducible:
100% for some job flavors, per the search CI output above.
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Look at test results for any of the impacted job flavors.
Actual results:
Lots of NoKindMatchError events for v1 InsightsDataGather (it's only v1alpha1).
Expected results:
Passing test-cases.
Additional info:
The problematic REST-mapping client was removed from 4.13/dev as part of origin#27596.
- clones
OCPBUGS-4559 Avoid brittle REST-mapper assumptions vs. v1alpha1 InsightsDataGather
- Closed
- depends on
OCPBUGS-4559 Avoid brittle REST-mapper assumptions vs. v1alpha1 InsightsDataGather
- Closed
- links to