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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-51118

"view details" Of alert in Status section not redirecting to correct Alert details.


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      *Cause*: The Overview Status/Notification bell did not add the external labels to their generated alert detail URL's which the alerts detail page expected to be able to match to the specific alert.
      *Consequence*: The alerts detail page showed "No Alerts found" as there wasn't an exact match.
      *Fix*: Add the external labels to the alerts while in the admin perspective.
      *Result*: The links in the admin perspective contain the external labels and now link back to the individual alerts correctly, while the links in the developer perspective continue to not include the external labels.
      *Cause*: The Overview Status/Notification bell did not add the external labels to their generated alert detail URL's which the alerts detail page expected to be able to match to the specific alert. *Consequence*: The alerts detail page showed "No Alerts found" as there wasn't an exact match. *Fix*: Add the external labels to the alerts while in the admin perspective. *Result*: The links in the admin perspective contain the external labels and now link back to the individual alerts correctly, while the links in the developer perspective continue to not include the external labels.
    • Bug Fix
    • In Progress

      While navigating to the web console: Home → Overview → Status, we encounter multiple alerts firing in the cluster.

      Clicking on "View Details" should ideally redirect us to the alert details. However, in the OpenShift 4.14 and OpenShift 4.17 cluster, it displays "No Alert Found" due to incorrect URL redirection.

      This issue is specific to 4.14 and 4.17 I have tested all other versions but they where redirection to alert correctly. 


      In the 4.14 and 4.17 Clicking on "View Details" for alert in Status will redirect to link like below.


      In above link if we remove "prometheus=openshift-monitoring%2Fk8s&" Then it will redirect to correct alert.


      Screens: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qVxXKH8ze6vwQLV6pGIMlKYda5ozEkkd?usp=sharing

              rh-ee-pyurkovi Peter Yurkovich
              rhn-support-kirpatil Kiran Patil
              Junqi Zhao Junqi Zhao
              2 Vote for this issue
              8 Start watching this issue
