Resolution: Unresolved
Description of problem:
After DCM was enabled, created a route with two backend servers, couldn't see the "check inter" in the route's backend configuration
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Enable DCM % oc patch featuregates cluster -p '{"spec": {"featureSet": "TechPreviewNoUpgrade"}}' --type=merge featuregate.config.openshift.io/cluster patched 2. created deployment with only one replicas, then create a route 3. scale the deployment with replicas 2 % oc scale deployment web-server-dm --replicas=2 4. % oc get all Warning: apps.openshift.io/v1 DeploymentConfig is deprecated in v4.14+, unavailable in v4.10000+ NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pod/web-server-dm-59969f4964-77gq8 1/1 Running 0 25m pod/web-server-dm-59969f4964-g6ff5 1/1 Running 0 6h55m NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE service/kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 8h service/openshift ExternalName <none> kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local <none> 8h service/service-secure-webdm ClusterIP <none> 27443/TCP 7h19m service/service-unsecure ClusterIP <none> 27017/TCP 3h54m service/service-unsecure-webdm ClusterIP <none> 27017/TCP 7h19m NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE deployment.apps/web-server-dm 2/2 2 2 7h19m NAME DESIRED CURRENT READY AGE replicaset.apps/web-server-dm-59969f4964 2 2 2 7h19m NAME HOST/PORT PATH SERVICES PORT TERMINATION WILDCARD route.route.openshift.io/service-unsecure-webdm service-unsecure-webdm-default.apps.shudi-g907.qe.gcp.devcluster.openshift.com service-unsecure-webdm http None 5. check the route's backend configuration, no "check inter" configuration. backend be_http:default:service-unsecure-webdm mode http option redispatch option forwardfor balance random timeout check 5000ms http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Host %[req.hdr(host)] http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Port %[dst_port] http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto http if !{ ssl_fc } http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc } http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto-Version h2 if { ssl_fc_alpn -i h2 } http-request add-header Forwarded for=%[src];host=%[req.hdr(host)];proto=%[req.hdr(X-Forwarded-Proto)] cookie 90292e94d481662d590506e7220985e6 insert indirect nocache httponly dynamic server pod:web-server-dm-59969f4964-g6ff5:service-unsecure-webdm:http: cookie d6fe50e4567a03d5886a51e84ed922c3 weight 1 dynamic-cookie-key 90292e94d481662d590506e7220985e6 server-template _dynamic-pod- 1-1 check disabled 6. used debug commands to get some info 6.1: % oc -n openshift-ingress exec router-default-6d54dfbff6-jxmpr -- /bin/sh -c "echo \"show servers state ${BACKEND}\" | socat stdio /var/lib/haproxy/run/haproxy.sock" | sed 1d | grep -v '^#' | cut -d ' ' -f2-6 | sed -e 's/0$/STOP/' -e 's/1$/STARTING/' -e 's/2$/UP/' -e 's/3$/SOFTSTOP/' be_http:default:service-unsecure-webdm 1 pod:web-server-dm-59969f4964-g6ff5:service-unsecure-webdm:http: UP be_http:default:service-unsecure-webdm 2 _dynamic-pod-1 UP 6.2: % oc -n openshift-ingress exec router-default-6d54dfbff6-jxmpr -- /bin/sh -c "echo \"show servers state ${BACKEND}\" | socat stdio /var/lib/haproxy/run/haproxy.sock" | sed 1d | grep -v '^#' | cut -d ' ' -f14 | sed -e 's/0$/CHECKDISABLED/' -e 's/1$/CHECKINPROGRESS/' -e 's/2$/CHECKCONFIGURED/' -e 's/4$/CHECKENABLED/' -e 's/6$/CHECKCONFENABLED/' -e 's/7$/CHECKCONFENABLEDPROGRESS/' -e 's/8$/CHECKPAUSED/' -e 's/10$/CHECKCONFPAUSED/' -e 's/14$/CHECKCONFENABLEPAUSED/' CHECKDISABLED CHECKCONFENABLED 6.3: % oc -n openshift-ingress exec router-default-6d54dfbff6-jxmpr -- /bin/sh -c "echo \"show servers state ${BACKEND}\" | socat stdio /var/lib/haproxy/run/haproxy.sock" 1 # be_id be_name srv_id srv_name srv_addr srv_op_state srv_admin_state srv_uweight srv_iweight srv_time_since_last_change srv_check_status srv_check_result srv_check_health srv_check_state srv_agent_state bk_f_forced_id srv_f_forced_id srv_fqdn srv_port srvrecord srv_use_ssl srv_check_port srv_check_addr srv_agent_addr srv_agent_port 9 be_http:default:service-unsecure-webdm 1 pod:web-server-dm-59969f4964-g6ff5:service-unsecure-webdm:http: 2 0 1 1 309 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 - 8080 - 0 0 - - 0 9 be_http:default:service-unsecure-webdm 2 _dynamic-pod-1 2 4 1 1 36 6 3 4 6 0 0 0 - 8080 - 0 0 - - 0 % 7. scale up the deployment with replicas 3 %oc scale deployment web-server-dm --replicas=3 8. check the route's backend configuration, "check inter" could be seen backend be_http:default:service-unsecure-webdm mode http option redispatch option forwardfor balance random timeout check 5000ms http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Host %[req.hdr(host)] http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Port %[dst_port] http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto http if !{ ssl_fc } http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc } http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto-Version h2 if { ssl_fc_alpn -i h2 } http-request add-header Forwarded for=%[src];host=%[req.hdr(host)];proto=%[req.hdr(X-Forwarded-Proto)] cookie 90292e94d481662d590506e7220985e6 insert indirect nocache httponly dynamic server pod:web-server-dm-59969f4964-77gq8:service-unsecure-webdm:http: cookie 6927c5a2e02572beddbaefb6ab49519b weight 1 check inter 5000ms server pod:web-server-dm-59969f4964-6lw5f:service-unsecure-webdm:http: cookie 7ff54035c01d917d56fa1654196ffa22 weight 1 check inter 5000ms server pod:web-server-dm-59969f4964-g6ff5:service-unsecure-webdm:http: cookie d6fe50e4567a03d5886a51e84ed922c3 weight 1 check inter 5000ms dynamic-cookie-key 90292e94d481662d590506e7220985e6 server-template _dynamic-pod- 1-1 check disabled
Actual results:
no "check inter"
Expected results:
two "check inter", one for the static slot, the other for the dynamic slot
Additional info:
- blocks
NE-1874 Graduate Dynamic Config Manager to GA
- New