Resolution: Unresolved
4.18.z, 4.19.z
CNF Network Sprint 266
Description of problem: When SriovNetwork is created, we can see InvalidConfig of NAD Warning in the targetNamespace events. But this is not effecting any workloads or NAD assignment.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable): 4.19.0-ec.0, 4.18.rc*
How reproducible: 100%
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create an SriovNetwork
apiVersion: sriovnetwork.openshift.io/v1 kind: SriovNetwork metadata: name: sriov-nic-pf1 namespace: openshift-sriov-network-operator spec: ipam: '{ "type": "static" }' logLevel: info networkNamespace: testns resourceName: sriov_nic_pf1
2. NAD is automatically created in the target Namespace
apiVersion: k8s.cni.cncf.io/v1 kind: NetworkAttachmentDefinition metadata: name: sriov-nic-pf1 namespace: testns spec: config: |- { "cniVersion": "1.0.0", "name": "sriov-nic-pf1", "type": "sriov", "vlan": 0, "vlanQoS": 0, "logLevel": "info", "ipam": {} }
3. Check events in the target namespace.
Name: sriov-nic-pf1.181d1064d639910a
Namespace: testns
Labels: <none>
Annotations: <none>
API Version: v1
Count: 1
Event Time: <nil>
First Timestamp: 2025-01-22T16:24:16Z
Involved Object:
Name: sriov-nic-pf1
Namespace: testns
Kind: Event
Last Timestamp: 2025-01-22T16:24:16Z
Message: Failed to parse network config: error parsing Network Attachment Definition testns/sriov-nic-pf1: net-attach-def not managed by OVN
Creation Timestamp: 2025-01-22T16:24:16Z
Resource Version: 3650431
UID: b107deff-4a99-4dd3-ae49-92a776db9886
Reason: InvalidConfig
Reporting Component: controlplane
Reporting Instance:
Component: controlplane
Type: Warning
Events: <none>
Actual results: InvalidConfig error event
Expected results: No Warning events
Additional info: Same issue with a different Message when using rdma plugin.
apiVersion: sriovnetwork.openshift.io/v1 kind: SriovNetwork metadata: name: sriov-nic-pf1 namespace: openshift-sriov-network-operator spec: capabilities: '{ "mac": true, "ips": true }' ipam: '{ "type": "static" }' logLevel: info metaPlugins: | { "type": "rdma" } networkNamespace: sriov-tests resourceName: sriov_nic_pf1
apiVersion: k8s.cni.cncf.io/v1 kind: NetworkAttachmentDefinition metadata: name: sriov-nic-pf1 namespace: sriov-tests spec: config: |- { "cniVersion": "1.0.0", "name": "sriov-nic-pf1", "plugins": [ { "type": "sriov", "vlan": 0, "vlanQoS": 0, "capabilities": { "mac": true, "ips": true }, "logLevel": "info", "ipam": { "type": "static" } }, { "type": "rdma" } ] }
apiVersion: v1 count: 5 eventTime: null firstTimestamp: "2025-01-20T06:25:16Z" involvedObject: name: sriov-nic-pf1 namespace: sriov-tests kind: Event lastTimestamp: "2025-01-20T14:09:37Z" message: 'Failed to parse network config: error parsing Network Attachment Definition sriov-tests/sriov-nic-pf1: CNI plugin chaining is not supported' metadata: creationTimestamp: "2025-01-20T14:09:37Z" name: sriov-nic-pf1.181c528bb3ea2177 namespace: sriov-tests resourceVersion: "2480340" uid: ea0feb91-840e-47b5-a1fe-baeed00ceaab reason: InvalidConfig reportingComponent: controlplane reportingInstance: "" source: component: controlplane type: Warning