Resolution: Unresolved
4.17, 4.18, 4.19
Description of problem
Since 4.8, cvo#431 has the CVO checking to see whether the requested image's version matches the requested version, and erroring out if they don't match. For example, asking a 4.17.12 cluster to move to a 4.17.13 pullspec but claiming it will have a 4.17.99 version:
oc patch clusterversion version --type json -p '[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/desiredUpdate", "value": {"image": "quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:82aa2a914d4cd964deda28b99049abbd1415f96c0929667b0499dd968864a8dd", "version": "4.17.99"}}]'
fails with ReleaseAccepted=False:
$ oc adm upgrade Cluster version is 4.17.12 ReleaseAccepted=False Reason: VerifyPayloadVersion Message: Verifying payload failed version="4.17.99" image="quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:82aa2a914d4cd964deda28b99049abbd1415f96c0929667b0499dd968864a8dd" failure=release image version 4.17.13 does not match the expected upstream version 4.17.99 Upstream: https://api.integration.openshift.com/api/upgrades_info/graph Channel: candidate-4.17 (available channels: candidate-4.17, candidate-4.18, fast-4.17) Recommended updates: VERSION IMAGE 4.17.13 quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:82aa2a914d4cd964deda28b99049abbd1415f96c0929667b0499dd968864a8dd
API godocs should be updated to accurately explain this behavior.
Version-Release number of selected component
The current CVO behavior dates back to 4.8, cvo#431. The current (and incorrect) API godocs date back to 4.13, api#1339.
How reproducible
Every time.
Steps to Reproduce
1. View ClusterVersion API docs, e.g. 4.17's.
Actual results
See strings like "version is ignored if image is specified".
Expected results
Have the actual cluster-version operator behavior accurately described.
Additional info
cvo#431 landing in 4.8:
cvo$ git diff origin/release-4.7..origin/release-4.8 -- pkg/cvo/sync_worker.go | grep -2 FIXME err = fmt.Errorf("release image version %s does not match the expected upstream version %s", payloadUpdate.Release.Version, work.Desired.Version) w.eventRecorder.Eventf(cvoObjectRef, corev1.EventTypeWarning, "VerifyPayloadVersionFailed", "verifying payload failed version=%q image=%q failure=%v", work.Desired.Version, work.Desired.Image, err) - /* FIXME: Ignore for now. I will make this fatal in a follow-up pivot reporter.Report(SyncWorkerStatus{ Generation: work.Generation,
api#1339 landing in 4.13:
api$ git diff origin/release-4.12..origin/release-4.13 -- config/v1/types_cluster_version.go | grep 'version is ignored if image is specified' + // version is ignored if image is specified and required if