Description of problem:
While attempting to troubleshoot unexpected CI failures, we have discovered that there are some logs that would be useful to better understand the state of the system.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Run catalogd 2. Run operator-controller 3. Observe lack of logging mentioned below
Actual results:
Useful logging is missing
Expected results:
More logging at the default level. Specifically: - catalogd webserver request logs - logging in operator-controller's ClusterCatalog reconciler to: - affirm a successful cache population - report that the current cache is already up-to-date - report when a local cache is deleted - logging in the operator-controller resolver code to shed more light on failures. for consideration: - which catalogs are being considered - which catalog/bundleName tuples are candidates that match the query
Additional info:
- is incorporated by
OCPBUGS-48813 Component Readiness: [Unknown] [Other] test regressed
- Closed
- links to