Resolution: Unresolved
Description of problem:
MCO failed to roll out imagepolicy configuration with imagepoliy objects for different namespaces
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Create ImagePolicy for testnamespace and mynamespace
apiVersion: config.openshift.io/v1alpha1 kind: ImagePolicy metadata: name: p1 namespace: testnamespace spec: scopes: - example.com/global/image - example.com policy: rootOfTrust: policyType: PublicKey publicKey: keyData: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBQVUJMSUMgS0VZLS0tLS0KTUZrd0V3WUhLb1pJemowQ0FRWUlLb1pJemowREFRY0RRZ0FFVW9GVW9ZQVJlS1hHeTU5eGU1U1FPazJhSjhvKwoyL1l6NVk4R2NOM3pGRTZWaUl2a0duSGhNbEFoWGFYL2JvME05UjYyczAvNnErK1Q3dXdORnVPZzhBPT0KLS0tLS1FTkQgUFVCTElDIEtFWS0tLS0t signedIdentity: matchPolicy: ExactRepository exactRepository: repository: example.com/foo/bar apiVersion: config.openshift.io/v1alpha1 kind: ImagePolicy metadata: name: p2 namespace: mynamespace spec: scopes: - registry.namespacepolicy.com policy: rootOfTrust: policyType: PublicKey publicKey: keyData: Zm9vIGJhcg== signedIdentity: matchPolicy: ExactRepository exactRepository: repository: example.com/foo/bar
Steps to Reproduce:
1.create namespace test-namespace, the first imagepolicy 2.create the second namespace and imagepolicy
Actual results:
only the first imagepolicy got rolled out machineconfig controller log error: $ oc logs -f machine-config-controller-c997df58b-9dk8t I0108 23:05:09.141699 1 container_runtime_config_controller.go:499] Error syncing image config openshift-config: could not Create/Update MachineConfig: could not update namespace policy JSON from imagepolicy: error decoding policy json for namespaced policies: EOF
Expected results:
both /etc/crio/policies/mynamespace.json and /etc/crio/policies/testnamespace.json created
Additional info:
- blocks
OCPBUGS-48253 error decoding policy json with ImagePolicy in different namespaces
- Closed
- is cloned by
OCPBUGS-48253 error decoding policy json with ImagePolicy in different namespaces
- Closed
- links to
RHEA-2024:11038 OpenShift Container Platform 4.19.z bug fix update