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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-48187

GCP fails to assign permissions to installer created SA


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      * Previously, when you attempted to set the policy for a {gcp-first} service account, the API reported a `400: Bad Request` validation error. When you create a service account, it might take up to 60 seconds for the account to become active, and this causes the validation error. If this error occurs, create a service account with a true exponential backoff that lasts at least 60 seconds. (link:https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OCPBUGS-48187[*OCPBUGS-48187*])
      * Previously, when you attempted to set the policy for a {gcp-first} service account, the API reported a `400: Bad Request` validation error. When you create a service account, it might take up to 60 seconds for the account to become active, and this causes the validation error. If this error occurs, create a service account with a true exponential backoff that lasts at least 60 seconds. (link: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OCPBUGS-48187 [* OCPBUGS-48187 *])
    • Known Issue
    • Done

      This is a clone of issue OCPBUGS-45280. The following is the description of the original issue:

      Description of problem:

      DEBUG Creating ServiceAccount for control plane nodes 
      DEBUG Service account created for XXXXX-gcp-r4ncs-m 
      DEBUG Getting policy for openshift-dev-installer   
      DEBUG adding roles/compute.instanceAdmin role, added serviceAccount:XXXXX-gcp-r4ncs-m@openshift-dev-installer.iam.gserviceaccount.com member 
      DEBUG adding roles/compute.networkAdmin role, added serviceAccount:XXXXX-gcp-r4ncs-m@openshift-dev-installer.iam.gserviceaccount.com member 
      DEBUG adding roles/compute.securityAdmin role, added serviceAccount:XXXXX-gcp-r4ncs-m@openshift-dev-installer.iam.gserviceaccount.com member 
      DEBUG adding roles/storage.admin role, added serviceAccount:XXXXX-gcp-r4ncs-m@openshift-dev-installer.iam.gserviceaccount.com member 
      ERROR failed to fetch Cluster: failed to generate asset "Cluster": failed to create cluster: failed during pre-provisioning: failed to add master roles: failed to set IAM policy, unexpected error: googleapi: Error 400: Service account XXXXX-gcp-r4ncs-m@openshift-dev-installer.iam.gserviceaccount.com does not exist., badRequest
      It appears that the Service account was created correctly. The roles are assigned to the service account. It is possible that there needs to be a "wait for action to complete" on the server side to ensure that this will all be ok.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):


      How reproducible:

      Random. Appears to be a sync issue    

      Steps to Reproduce:

          1. Run the installer for a normal GCP basic install

      Actual results:

          Installer fails saying that the Service Account that the installer created does not have the permissions to perform an action. Sometimes it takes numerous tries for this to happen (very intermittent). 

      Expected results:

          Successful install

      Additional info:


              rh-ee-bbarbach Brent Barbachem
              openshift-crt-jira-prow OpenShift Prow Bot
              Jianli Wei Jianli Wei
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