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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-46045

Symmetric routing with MetalLB improvements + missing rule


      Description of problem:

          The bug is about multiple points:
      1. https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.17/networking/metallb/metallb-configure-return-traffic.html#nw-metallb-configure-return-traffic-proc_metallb-configure-return-traffic
      in the NNCP provided (below the "with content like the following example:" part), we need to add another route-rule at the bottom (depending on the version:
      * FOR 4.16:
            - ip-to:
              priority: 998
              route-table: 254
      * FOR 4.17+:
            - ip-to:
              priority: 998
              route-table: 254
      In addition, we should change point no. 9 to include the new rule:
      The ip-to fields must match the Cluster Network CIDR, Service Network CIDR and Internal Masquerade Subnet CIDR. You can view the values for these CIDR address specifications by running the following command: oc describe network.operator/cluster.
      (we add a reference to Internal Masquerade Subnet AND changing the oc describe to point to network.operator/cluster)
      2. https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.17/networking/metallb/metallb-configure-return-traffic.html#nw-metallb-configure-return-traffic-proc_metallb-configure-return-traffic
      in the EgressService provided ("Create an EgressService CR" part), point no 5. should be "Specify the routing table id for egress traffic.", that is make it clear it is the ID that should be specified. preferably, it should be clear that it should have the same value as in "route-table-id: 2" from the NNCP.
      3. https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.17/networking/ovn_kubernetes_network_provider/configuring-egress-traffic-for-vrf-loadbalancer-services.html#nw-egress-service-ovn-cr_configuring-egress-traffic-loadbalancer-services
      similar to the previous point, under point no .5 we add the id: "Optional: Specify the routing table id for egress traffic. ..." 
      (we make it clear that it is the ID that should be specified, here we don't have an NNCP to reference).

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):


      How reproducible:


      Steps to Reproduce:


      Actual results:


      Expected results:


      Additional info:


              rhn-support-kquinn Kevin Quinn
              obraunsh@redhat.com Ori Braunshtein
              Evgeny Levin Evgeny Levin
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
