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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-45821

"--as" option is not working as expected in RHOCP4


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Not a Bug
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • None
    • 4.14.z, 4.15.z, 4.17.z, 4.16.z
    • oc
    • Moderate
    • None
    • False
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      Description of problem:

      After assigning the expected role to the group , the user part of the same group is not able to check if user have expected permissions using --as option as below ->
      --as option is not working as expected :
      $ oc get pods -n project-name --as user4
      Error from server (Forbidden): pods is forbidden: User "user-name" cannot list resource "pods" in API group "" in the namespace "project-name"
      However --as with --as-group works fine as expected :
      $ oc get pods -n project-name --as=user-name --as-group=group-name

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):


      How reproducible:


      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Create a User and a Group. Add user in the group
      2. Create a new project. Create new pod and ConfigMap in this project
      3. Created 2 roles to get pods and cm and assigned to the group :
      $ oc create role get-pod --verb=get,list --resource=pods -n <project-name>
      $ oc create role get-cm --verb=get,list --resource=configmaps -n <project-name>
      $ oc adm policy add-role-to-group get-pod group-name --role-namespace=<project-name> -n <project-name>
      $ oc adm policy add-role-to-group get-cm group-name --role-namespace=<project-name> -n <project-name>
      4. Check if user has access to the resources :
      $ oc get pods -n <project-name> --as=user-name
      $ oc get cm -n <project-name> --as=user-name

      Actual results:

      Using --as option in `$ oc get` command is not giving us the expected results
      However --as option with --as-group option is working as expected.

      Expected results:

      --as must work with --as-group option in the `$ oc get` command 

      Additional info:

      Created user and added the user in a group:
      $ oc get user
      NAME    UID                                    FULL NAME   IDENTITIES
      user4   f943064d-323d-4140-bc04-f41a13294e1e   my_htpasswd_provider:user4
      $ oc get group
      NAME     USERS
      group4   user4
      Created project , a new app, and a new cm :
      $ oc new-project newpro1
      $ oc new-app httpd
      $ oc create cm test-cm
      configmap/test-cm created
      Created 2 roles to get pods and cm and assigned to the group :
      $ oc create role get-pod --verb=get,list --resource=pods -n newpro1
      role.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/get-pod created
      $ oc create role get-cm --verb=get,list --resource=configmaps -n newpro1
      role.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/get-cm created
      $ oc adm policy add-role-to-group get-pod group4 --role-namespace=newpro1 -n newpro1
      role.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/get-pod added: "group4"
      $ oc adm policy add-role-to-group get-cm group4 --role-namespace=newpro1 -n newpro1
      role.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/get-cm added: "group4"
      Checked using --as option only, it is not working as expected :
      $ oc get pods -n newpro1 --as user4
      Error from server (Forbidden): pods is forbidden: User "user4" cannot list resource "pods" in API group "" in the namespace "newpro1"
      $ oc get cm -n newpro1 --as user4
      Error from server (Forbidden): configmaps is forbidden: User "user4" cannot list resource "configmaps" in API group "" in the namespace "newpro1"
      However --as with --as-group works fine :
      $ oc get pods -n newpro1 --as=user4 --as-group=group4
      NAME                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      httpd-5bc4d567f7-jwznw   1/1     Running   0          27m

              aguclu@redhat.com Arda Guclu
              rhn-support-sdharma Suruchi Dharma
              ying zhou ying zhou
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