Description of problem:
OLMv1 is expected to work in disconnected environments but is failing in ipv6 related jobs due to being unable to reach the network. As mentioned in ipv6 jobs are run in disconnected and don't have internet access. A link to a failed job that is impacted by this: Particular test that is impacted starts with '[sig-olmv1]'
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Very. Sippy results for the job failing repeatedly,%22operatorValue%22:%22contains%22,%22value%22:%22%5Bsig-olmv1%5D%5BOCPFeatureGate:NewOLM%5D%20OLMv1%20Catalogs%20should%20be%20installed%20%5BSuite:openshift/conformance/parallel%5D%22%7D%5D,%22linkOperator%22:%22and%22%7D&sortField=timestamp&sort=desc
Steps to Reproduce:
1. 2. 3.
Actual results:
Test failed
Expected results:
Test passed
Additional info:
This may be caused by an incorrect configuration of the disconnected environment for what OLMv1 expects. Either (or both): * There isn't an registry mapping that works for OLMv1 (likely need an ImageTagMirrorSet for * The catalog images were not mirrored.
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