Resolution: Unresolved
Description of problem:
IBM ROKS is running conformance testings on 4.17 and they are failing 3 tests for `should create pingable pods with <if_name> interface on an in-container master`. These tests pass in OCP 4.16 and lower and IBM ROKS needs this issue resolved for them to GA OCP 4.17.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
These test fail with each run.
Expected results:
For these tests to pass.
Additional info:
In OCP 4.16 and lower IBM ROKS OpenShiftSDN along side Calico. In 4.17 they do not deploy OVNKubernetes and only use Calico as the CNI. IBM ROKS state that they can perform the same steps in OCP 4.17 manually by performing these steps: Followed these instructions: https://docs.redhat.com/en/documentation/openshift_container_platform/4.1/html/networking/managing-multiple-networks#viewing-the-interface-configuration-in-a-running-pod Create ROKS 4.16 & 4.17 classic cluster in stage (test.cloud.ibm.com) - ic ks cluster config --admin --cluster <clusterID> - oc adm policy add-scc-to-group privileged system:authenticated system:serviceaccounts ; oc adm policy add-scc-to-group anyuid system:authenticated system:serviceaccounts - oc create -f /home/dawall/deleteMe/customerTickets/ROKSConformance/macvlan-config.yaml - oc get network-attachment-definitions.k8s.cni.cncf.io - oc create -f /home/dawall/deleteMe/customerTickets/ROKSConformance/pod-config.yaml - kubectl get pods -n default - oc exec samplepod -- ip -4 addr - oc describe pod samplepod cat macvlan-config.yaml apiVersion: "k8s.cni.cncf.io/v1" kind: NetworkAttachmentDefinition metadata: name: macvlan-conf spec: config: '{ "cniVersion": "0.3.0", "type": "macvlan", "master": "eth0", "mode": "bridge", "ipam": { "type": "host-local", "subnet": "", "rangeStart": "", "rangeEnd": "", "routes": [ { "dst": "" } ], "gateway": "" } }' cat pod-config.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: samplepod annotations: k8s.v1.cni.cncf.io/networks: macvlan-conf spec: containers: - name: samplepod command: ["/bin/bash", "-c", "sleep 2000000000000"] image: centos/tools